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Old 07-28-2016, 12:31 PM
Nihilist_santa Nihilist_santa is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Hmm for something sword and sorcery like I would recommend the Elric Saga. Basically a drug addicted (keeps him alive) elf with a sword that drinks souls and shit. They are short books but a pretty decent little series.

The Farseer Trilogy is pretty decent. Its medieval but not all that high fantasy but basically centers around a character who is being apprenticed as a royal assassin. There is more going on but thats the basics.

If you want something different with a fantasy bent I would recommend the Dresden series of books the show the Dresden Files was based on. Modern setting but dude is a detective/magician wizard what have you.

If you want some non fantasy recommendations I would go cyberpunk with the Sprawl Trilogy by William Gibson starting with Neuromancer or you could give Neal Stephensons Snow Crash a read.