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Old 03-01-2011, 04:53 AM
Kaosu Kaosu is offline

Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 38

Originally Posted by Goryani [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The NPC distance aggro loss changes that occurred the same time as the pet aggro changes were apparent to me. Stand far enough away from a mob. Tell your pet to attack, and the mob would not come after you. Stand close enough and the mob would make a beeline for you. The same effect happened at a greater distance while sitting.

EQ did have distance aggro loss. Performing an action (like sitting, nuking, or debuffing) within melee range would put you higher on the hate list than the same action performed much further away (like at max cast distance). Being far from the mob effectively lowered your current amount of threat. Some mobs were more sensitive to this phenomenon than others.

I don't envy the devs in trying to recreate the classic EQ aggro system. Aggro could be modified by distance, sitting/standing state, and probably several other things I'm forgetting. Some modifications seemed to be percentage based, or based on the HP of the mob, or sometimes just a flat amount. Those modifications differed by mob, by zone, and by expansion. It's just a big mess.
While its slightly in reference to that, thats not what the message meant.

It means, if you run away far enough, it will absolve all hate on that person and he'll lose aggro/hate causing the mob to return to his original location.