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Old 06-15-2016, 10:58 PM
Tecmos Deception Tecmos Deception is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Jun 2012
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Well on my way to CC, I got distracted by TOFS. I had forgotten it had such a wide level range, and when browsing the wiki as I crossed Iceclad reminded me, I figured I should stop in and get some of the keys while there was still XP to be had.

First floor I popped the undead gnoll after killing 8-10 mobs. Second floor I had some trouble XPing while trying to get the angry librarian to spawn to get up further... enchanter NPCs kept dispelling my buffs like crazy and rebuffing was annoying, and all the necro and chanter dots were eating my HP up even with constant runes. I had to gate out a few times, though I did make like half of 37. Eventually I got the angry librarian and got my key (and a student's homework - upgrade!).

Wiki says undead on third floor? Cool. I'll go look around with IVU up. I immediately got jumped by a wandering animated armor and two undead cook dog things, got them all locked down at like 20% hp and mem gate to get out, but cause of a resist on one of my mez attempts I don't quite get the gate off before a mez breaks and I get beat down.

And at that point I re-learned that TOFS keys aren't soulbound. So my body is sitting tight on the third floor in there until tomorrow when someone else is in zone to help me... lol.

Think I'll continue on to CC after that [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]