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Old 06-15-2016, 12:33 AM
Tecmos Deception Tecmos Deception is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Jun 2012
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Well I finally settled into a groove at the snake lake in paw after slowly going through the first 1/3 of 35. I started clearing the 4 little non-aggro gnolls on the ledge near the lake with 1 snake, then killing the other 3 pairs of snakes up on the ledge to avoid water LoS problems.

Once I hit 36 my issues with charm/root not lasting too well vanished too. I'm nearing 37, gonna get some buffer into 37 so I'm not losing extra xp from deaths in 36, then I'll head to Velious to XP in (and make some videos in) TOFS and CC.