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Old 05-27-2016, 01:10 AM
Wiley Wiley is offline

Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 181

Been fear kiting cougars in icelad and tried giving this a go, seems rather lackluster and takes a lot longer then swinging my axe does. Seems like 1/3 shots miss and sometimes streaks of 6 or 7 shots miss. Is there a stat that helps with this?

Current stats (self buff):
str 169
dex 127
Agi 112
ATK 802 (helps my axe!)

with a 30/37 velium axe I can kill a cougar in under a minute on average, using a Rain Caller 20/45 it takes me upwards of 3-4min and 30-40 arrows, max archery (175) for my level.

am I missing something, aside from the mobs, or is this just sort of weak until you get fancy raid gear?