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Old 05-12-2016, 11:56 PM
Kawhi Kawhi is offline

Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 120

Hey man. We grouped the other night in the basement for a short while before I got gf agro, hah.

I think your spell lineup looks good. Of course you can swap some other spells in and out when needed. I generally drop splurt since you don't need it to save your ass and the cooldown time is fast on it so you can remem and cast it pretty quickly when you need it again.

Your questions:

1) Manaskin really isn't a must use IMO, especially if you're keeping harmshield up. Will save you every now and again though. I only cast it if I get in a situation where I'm low on health but high on mana to save me in case I get an early charm break on the next pull.

2) I cast Bond of Death quite a bit actually. You get 2:1 on your mana expenditure compared to 1.6:1 on your mana through Deflux. If you get below 50% health or so, I definitely think it's better to cast Bond. Especially true if your pet is fighting a living mob.

3) No I don't think so. Not in the basement at least. There are better ways to pull.

4) There are times when you will realize you're likely to eat a HT or an Oblation nuke. Harmshield can save your ass. I think it's worth it.

5) I Splurt when my pet is fighting a living creature and is losing the fight, and I don't know if I will be able to grab another pet soon enough to finish the living mob. I also will splurt a mob down if I want my current pet to survive the fight with enough HPs to pull a wing without immediately dying to HTs.

6) I wouldn't cast fear in HS. Basement is open enough that generally you can keep the mobs far enough away from you so that you can get ST or PE off without a problem. Even if a mob gets on me, it generally isn't more than 2 casts of ST or PE before you channel it through. I doubt it'd be much different for the faster casting spells.

7) I don't ever cast darkness in the basement. You can park mobs far enough away from you that if a mob comes charging for you that you have plenty of time to cast ST or PE.