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Old 04-19-2016, 06:04 PM
Daldaen Daldaen is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Kedge Keep
Posts: 9,062

All I'm asking is you follow the rules lol.

Trying to claim 1 of your 2 concessions on a mob whose corpse is already poofed at time of posting doesn't seem like it's following the rules.

Regarding the loot removal perhaps that's just assumed as a part of these things. But the rules state you are responsible for requesting the loot removal.

But carry on spinning away. Everyone sees through how dumb of a statement it was to try to pass off the respawn Dain as one of your two concessions. I hope you aren't immersed so much that you can't see this.
Last edited by Daldaen; 04-19-2016 at 06:08 PM..