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Old 01-22-2016, 01:51 AM
odiecat99 odiecat99 is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: south shore, ma
Posts: 689

Originally Posted by Uteunayr [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
All about the stylish, awesome FD animation. No other race matches the beauty of the overly Shakespearean, glorious flop. The others just lay on their sides and curl up like they are weak and pathetic.

Really, I see 2 big reasons for not being Iksar.

1) You made your character pre-Kunark. Not everyone can reroll, or should. I did because it was important to me that my character not be a throttle on my performance.

2) You have a subjective attachment to another race. There is no one who can tell you you shouldn't be a Dark Elf Necromancer if you find value in being a Dark Elf. That's subjective, and that's the way you assign value. That's why when I updated information on the necromancer page, I stated "Go Iksar if you care about min/maxing and having a leg up in terms of efficiency. Non-Iksar can still get the job done." If min/maxing is something which concerns you (being the numerically best race), then go Iksar. But there are other concerns people can have when making their character.

My concern in telling people to go Iksar so often is because too many people come to Project 1999 from games like World of Warcraft, where race by and large doesn't matter much at all. Because of this, they pick any race, and by the time they are level 40-50 and start to learn the class a lot more, it hits them: Oh, Iksar is numerically better. Now, if you're someone who values the race you chose over the regeneration, AC, etc. Then you wont have a problem, and all of this "Go Iksar!" shit wont bother you. But if you're someone that does care, suddenly you're trapped with a character, and you'll keep leveling the one with the inferior race (in terms of min/max) because of sunk costs. That is what I want to prevent people from doing. People should know the value of Iksar, and of the other races, before making a choice so they never feel trapped in sunk costs.
Your sig makes me wanna vomit
Originally Posted by odiecat99
Keep Fighting No Matter What