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Old 01-15-2016, 09:49 AM
DarthMartigan DarthMartigan is offline

Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 137

Originally Posted by SewingMachine [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Question, I am in OT I am doing very well never get hit, and kill and pull well. I am lvl 19 right now and got 2 yellows from my last pull. Should i be pulling more things? I mean really take my time and grab alot of stuff then go back or keep doing what i am doing and just do a loop around collecting what i can.
As you get more used to pulling, you should be able to pull (up to around level 40) and ding every single pull, or almost ding. If you master Fioriona Vie 40-45 is like 8 pulls. It doesn't matter if you die sometimes, if you can quickly recover and make another pull, you'll never notice the exp loss. It also doesn't matter if you pull 20 or 200, as long as you don't get hit. Always pull everything possible that doesn't ruin the game for other people in zone (this is why FV and BW are great, empty zones).

Important side note to this: Don't kite in DL if you are going to pull everything, because the zone crashes if you pull too much.