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Old 01-04-2016, 10:07 PM
James_Joyce James_Joyce is offline

Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 563

Are you sure you couldn't just let him off with a warning and an establishment of policy?

Historically enforcement of forum rules here has been restricted to bannings based on keywords and so context-ignorant that a bot or language filter could have accomplished them, with the most disgusting hate speech being let stand if it doesn't use the N word. For instance, a person married to a man IRL being suspended for hate speech for describing himself as a "faggot" (forgive me my liege and please edit if this was a mistake to use) in common parlance, while others freely advocate the extermination of certain races as long as no television no-no words are touched.

Maybe you could warn us that we are no longer being administered by autistic robots who deliberately make a mockery of their own rules to harvest user salt, and that instead there is a human with some semblance of at least pretending to actually do the spirit of his purported role before you start hammering.