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Old 08-25-2015, 04:33 PM
Skydash Skydash is offline

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Default Pre-Upgrade ToV Items - Ikatiar/Eashan

Here is a list of what these items should look like in our time line. Right now we have a mix of old and new.
Please see HERE to spot check more items.

Ikiatar the Venom Loots:
Ancient Wyvern Hide Tunic - No HP
Ancient Wyvern Hide Leggings - Big change
Ancient Wyvern Hide Sleeves - 15 AC
Ancient Wyvern Hide Boots - 9 AC
Ikatiar's Stinger - Ratio 11/21, no BS+, no STR/STA

Eashan of the Sky Loots:
Cloak of the Sky - 9 WIS, 12 AGI, 55 MANA
Ring of the Sky - 5 STA
Mask of the Sky - 9 AC, 70 HP
Claw of Lightning - 9/18, +10 SM, no Stats
Onyx Chain Sleeves - 25 AC, 3 All
Twisted Steel Guantlets - 25 AC
Twisted Steel Bastard Sword - 24/35
Bracelet of the Sky - Added later, see first comment on link.

Should I continue to post my findings? All the other ToV items were changed at some point, and the link at the top lets you find all the Pre-upgraded items.