Thread: Game Mechanics: Sneak in East Freeport
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Old 07-31-2015, 11:10 PM
4WOFURY 4WOFURY is offline

Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 269
Default Sneak in East Freeport

I'm finding Sneak to have a high rate of failure specifically in East Freeport. I have gotten lots of "You are as quiet as a herd of running elephants" vs very few "You are as quiet as a cat stalking its prey."

It seems to be isolated to just East Freeport, but I've had 10 sneak failures within an hour (using infrequently to get around as I am KOS), with multiple back-to-back failures.

My character is a level 60 Rogue with max skill - it definitely isn't working correctly specifically in East Freeport, but tends to do fine in other zones.

If this isn't tracable, it isn't THAT big of a deal. Just wondering what is up.
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