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Old 07-09-2015, 11:31 AM
Twonky Twonky is offline

Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Grapevine TX
Posts: 15

I had never given red a shot, nor did I have any plans to, before my brother and a couple other RL friends that I often play with moved over there with TMO. I didn't think I would like it, and expected the move to red would kick off another EQ vacation for me when I realized how much I hated it. It's actually been a fun experience, though. Sure, there are the borderline insane griefers and shit talkers, but those are on blue as well, and if you have a fairly thick skin and your immersion levels aren't off the charts, it's not hard to shrug them off. Even the mundane things like trading with other players becomes exciting on red, knowing that pvp can go down at any time. Spells and items you wouldn't normally use become useful, and making friends and grouping becomes more valuable. There is a newbie friendly guild called Thunderdome that takes players of all levels and provides plenty of people to group with, ports, binds and even some starter gear. Give it a shot. You may like it.