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Old 07-02-2015, 02:08 PM
serjordanmormont serjordanmormont is offline

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Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 146

Originally Posted by Caridry [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Well, life used to be awesome as a Druid... But, as of the late murky waters of Kunark get more un-clear.... things get worse until velious release.

1) Druid make great money porting: Unless you are in Dial a Port (which is basically PoK books for porters not in that guild) you will have career porters from that guild quickly snagging ports from under your nose. So unless you actually WORK for the ports, they rarely just come to you anymore.

2) Druids can group: Post 39, get this idea out of your head. Competing with a CH cleric is impossible considering 90% of the dungeons are indoors.

3) Quadding / charming: both GREAT/the BEST ways a druid can get xp... IF you can find a spot... post 50 there is literally 4 spots to xp as a druid solo... unless you feel like root rotting your soul away. these 4 spots are literally permacamped, so as soon as you log on, send a message to a player that's at the spot, or youll never get in.
Once Velious hits, you think things will get better?