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Old 06-29-2015, 03:39 PM
Tradesonred Tradesonred is offline

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Originally Posted by Tiggles [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

The staff has to stop pandering to the 50 or so bored lifers who just live to kill each other and spew autism.

If they actually want this server to be a viable alternative to blue and not just some forgotten side project they will have to make it more tolerable.

We need a revised PNP that outlines the rules of this server more clearly (LNS and force LNS are so open and full of loop holes that new players don't know how to use them)

We need to REMOVE YELLOW TEXT all this does is encourage the SK/Rogue Twink brigade and the COM Levi wizards to constantly harass leveling groups. Server population is growing and we don't need new players being embarrassed with a server wide emote by some lvl 20 epiced rogue when they are in rags trying to kill orcs in crushbone.

It even effects people at level 60. How many people plug at the first sign of trouble to avoid being "YT'd" that might actually put up a fight if it was just actual classic PVP. I see people fucking deguild before dying to avoid shaming their guild server wide.

instead of talking to the Lites and the Gongshows, people with 10+ bis characters the staff should be talking to the people in TMO and Thunderdome and any other leveling guilds out there. The people who actually use LNS and actually want to level in KC. Removing the PNP and removing level limits on PVP will just continue to drive players off the server because they will be the first people murdered by Tstaff level 60s that at the same time complain about the lack of PVP.
Good post

Ive been saying for a long time that PnP is unintuitive. Worse, the subtleties and jurisprudence are lost in various dead threads, not even pinned to the main thread.

Yellow text should go, yeah. I was indifferent for it when the debate was going on on forums if it was a good thing or not, besides that i did not want location to be disclosed in the YT if it ever was implemented.

You articulate well why its a problem beyond disclosing the location of the kill.