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Old 04-26-2015, 04:06 AM
kevoh kevoh is offline

Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 147
Default The Downfall of <Fresh>

Hello Red Friends,

As you are all aware, <Fresh> has some pretty fantastic members in it. It is comprised of anyone and everyone that wants to join. I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the most amazing people within it. I cherish the friendships I have made while in it; but quickly became irritated when I realized how poorly the guild is structured. The guild has so much potential to be a great contender in the PVP and Raid Scene. So what is this post about? Well, just mostly the leader.

"Mad Max" - how does one gain such a nickname I wondered for so long until this week. Then I finally realized what is wrong with him and why everyone leaves to join other teams.

So let's breakdown the issues at hand and why <Fresh> will never be a major contender due to its retarded leader.

1.) Open Invites - Allows any person who states "Im new!" to join. I proved this point tonight by logging on my level 19 NFP Mule and asking for an invite. Thereafter I made 2 different macros and spammed guild with various "Hi, my name is SoandSo from <Random Guild> Thank you for the invite so I can spy on you."

2.) Poor Communication - The guild leader doesn't even have the slightest clue about raid / pvp communication. It's like he's living fifteen minutes behind any sort of logical response to whats happening in any environment (Raid or PVP).

3.) Poor Organization - Zero batphone. No secondary, tertiary, quaternary assists set up for PVP Environment. Refuses to adapt to situations on the fly.

4.) Poor Public Relations - The guild leader posts consistently on the forums picking fights with other contenders without backing up his team (See this week's Empire vs. Fresh slaughterfest).

All in all, I wish my friends the best in <Fresh> and hope you realize the same things I have. Please see the light. There is nothing but LNS and 5 Hour CR's in your future due to these issues. Please reform, follow someone other than the retard "leading" you.

The dude needs medication. Period.