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Old 07-26-2014, 02:52 AM
brokenhd brokenhd is offline
Large Bat

Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 10
Default Love Bard, hate aoe kiting

Is there a life for me through the levels? I am currently 36, have kited my way this far and I hate it. I want to be grouping and being useful while learning my role in a party.

Being that this is one of my first characters, i have patchwork, bronze, and a cat o nine tails, i'm pretty much ballin right now... what are some cheap weapon/gear upgrades that I should aim for, and what would make me most useful to groups right now?

I love the bard class and want to experience the game outside of running in circles by myself. If anyone has any tips on what to do and where to go from here that would be much appreciated!