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Old 06-10-2014, 05:20 AM
Xer0 Xer0 is offline
Fire Giant

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Originally Posted by Frug [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
So, when you practice guitar you get better at guitar, but when you practice EQ you get better at EQ and these are different?

Or are you saying that if you were suddenly given the game with level 60 gear you could do as well as someone who played to 60? (That is in fact, what you said.)

Yeah, no.

Guitar may be a HARDER skill (or more meaningful, or whatever), and EQ may be characterized as "pew pew" as you so delightfully like to denigrate it as, but it is still a skill. Useful? No. Difficult? Somewhat, but not really.

But still a skill.
No, Yeah.
YOU are not getting better at EQ.

Becuase of game progression your sprite is simply getting more powerful.

All you are doing is saving plat for better atl+1-8s, putting on better pixels for better stats to deal better damage. You, as a person are honing 0 skill.

Originally Posted by Tecmos Deception [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
What the hell do you people think "skill" means?

Is anything short of performing complex brain surgery or writing a symphony "just a time sink"?

It takes skill to shoot a free throw. It takes more skill to be a star in the NBA. If it didn't take skill to shoot a free throw, then toddlers would be shooting 100%. Just because there is a difference in degree of difficulty doesn't mean the easier task does not require skill.
itt comparing eq to brain surgery, pro basketball.
some things require such nominal amount of effort you can't rightfully call it a skill. Making peanut butter and jelly? is that a skill? By your all-inclusive definition, yes. But we don't pride ourselves (beyond the age of 13anyway) in how badass we can make a pb&j

And don't try to tell me it takes real skill to heal. All it requires is that you half assedly pay attention to health levels. and understand the simplest math (4 second cast, 3 second recast time etc).

Originally Posted by loramin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I am ... but then again I'm also irritated by your misspelling of the word "mispelling" [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

By that logic anyone who can hit CTRL+S and ALT+3 would make an equally good cleric ... but obviously that's not the case. There's skill in deciding when to hit those buttons: if you do it too early you waste mana, and if you do it too late your tank dies. And that assumes you never have to heal anyone else in your group, that no one else in the zone is begging you for a rez, etc.

I'm not saying EQ takes lots of skill, but it definitely does take skill. And if you do something more interesting than a safe group (eg. soloing HS), it can actually take a decent amount of skill.

... still probably less skill than those miniature painters though; that shit is hard.
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typographical errors are a thing, of this I am fairly certain.

Looser being used in place of loser 15 times =/= typographical error.
Last edited by Xer0; 06-10-2014 at 05:35 AM..