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Old 01-23-2010, 02:58 AM
Yiblaan Yiblaan is offline

Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Chicago, IL
Posts: 129
Default We Open our arms to you!

Hello there fellow P1999 players!

We are <Flaming Gaze> a new gay-friendly guild that takes on a different philosophy then most.

We are not as hXc as some are, although we do enjoy our EQ~

We are a tight-nit family type guild, who likes to be goofy, fun and help eachother.

Our goal is to be able to group with each other, chat, do quests and the such together for the better of our guildies, and others as well. Just to have fun and go with the flow of the Server. One must get used to the members, for we will do stuff together a lot!!

And obviously, we enforce the acceptance of all peoples. We are a gay-friendly and friendly to people of all walks of life. We do not prejudice against anyone. We also require that our members do not show hatred towards any members.
Though it is certainly not a requirement to be Gay, if you are--please don't be afraid to join!!

As we have not been created yet, we are Waiting for GMs approval and hope to be contacted by one soon! Please bear with us during this process!

If you are interested in joining the "Gaze Team" send me a /tell
~Yiblaan Conjurer
53 Magician of P1999~

~Leader of <Tears of Prexus>~
Magician of the 2 Seas of Norrath!

51 Cleric

::::RED 99::::

~Sylvana Whisperwind~
45 Druid

33 Paladin of Prexus