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Old 04-03-2014, 03:45 PM
elsen elsen is offline
Decaying Skeleton

Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 4
Default Plat disappeared

I've petitioned in game, but curious if anyone else has seen this.

Playing as my character Junias in Misty Thicket, I was running to sell some spears for a higher level who was killing guards. I get back to them and attempt to trade 80pp but dropping it on them. It tells me "XXXX has cancelled the trade" right away but the plat doesn't go back in my inventory. I'm level 5 so of course don't have enough pp to make up for the now missing plat, and the higher level thinks I've just kept it for myself. I give him 20pp that is my entire net worth just to try to make it up, but he still doesn't believe me saying that "Plat doesn't just disappear...".

So, what happened? Bug? Any idea on how to get it back?
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