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Old 03-24-2014, 04:11 PM
casdegere casdegere is offline

Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 263

Originally Posted by slo1506 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Also, this is just an opinion of mine, why everyone feels like they gotta strap on tommy toughguy helmets and go to battle behind their keyboards on me... is baffling and laughable. I engaged in name calling too but only after stupid posts towards me (name calling and the like) Stupid posts deserve stupid replies. Again I love p99 and again i never did any RMT. Also, this is again an opinion, but an opinion stating they also broke rules in making this server. Appreciate the feedback from the people who actually had insight to the whole ordeal. To the others who just wanted to catapult Pictures and namecalling...please grow up.
To point at someone else's faults, errors and/or issues is the tactics of someone who is trying to redirect their own guilt or lack of judgement. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but it really has no place in this instance. The rules were/are clearly stated with their penalties and people broke them. What else is there to have an opinion about? If you don't like the devs or the server, why play on it? If you or anyone does not like the rules as posted than they should log off and find something else to do. If you want to cheat, play a single player game or some MMO that has lenient cheating regulations. Bashing the devs, the game or the server over what the RMTers did is really lame.
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