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Old 02-10-2014, 01:16 AM
Striiker Striiker is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Mar 2010
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Posts: 776

Doljo has been pretty sketch fro the start of this all. I called it right in my earlier post (words are wind.. convince me through actions). Stuff Hyjal was saying was not adding up in the Vent discussion I was present at when we welcomed them and added them to the rotation (made me very doubtful that their intentions were legitimate). We, the Class-R guilds were generally happy to see them finally making motions to be good citizens on the server. We added them to the bottom of each list during the meeting with full knowledge and acknowledgement from Hyjal. We explained why at the time and there was no disagreement or complaining etc. Now he comes to the Raid forum to have a shit fit over it all. Not clear on why he's trying to pin this on Chest (Chest was not present when we had the meeting). Pin it on me, or any other guild leader of R-Class guilds. All guilds in the R-Class list are in 100% full agreement that those who come late, new guilds, etc. start at the bottom. This is how it was defined from the start. The re-pop rate is reasonable and so guilds will rotate through and get their shot eventually.

Again, not sure why, if you wish to really compete, that you just don't go kill a C-Class mob to get assigned to a tier which prides itself on competition. Perhaps focus on FFA targets only. Screwing in R-Class targets really just makes you look bad on the server to everyone.
Fearstalker - Enchanter
Guild Leader of <Taken>