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Old 02-01-2014, 05:39 PM
jyaku jyaku is offline

Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 181

Me and a buddy of mine have been streaming p99 on and off. We have currently decided to play Vanguard on some nights as well since its in it's waning months. we normally start around 9:30-10PM EST Tu-F. There are some nights where he will only play HEX or something if his baby is acting up.

We don't try to be all professional, it's mainly a group of us just chatting while we play, talking with people in the chat ect.
I hear voices in my dome, they won't go away or leave me alone
Originally Posted by Rogean View Post
I'm trying to create something that will be optionally fun for the server, something for level 50's to do when your not busy shitting in your socks.
Greeting Starfighter, you have been recruited by the Starleague to defend the frontier against Zurr and the Codan armada.

Baas rutten, Monk

Realena peacecraft, monk of cazic thule server.