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Old 01-26-2014, 11:49 PM
Babayaaga Babayaaga is offline

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Originally Posted by Derubael [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Can anyone with Mac experience fill me in on whether its easier to do the Wineskin install method I currently have stickied, or if its easier to bootcamp it?

If it's easier to bootcamp, anyone feel like writing a guide?
The Wine Installation works fine. It's important that people read and follow the instructions VERY carefully, as one mistake will result in having to start over from the beginning.

A Wine Installation has the following pros/cons:
Less HD drive required (do not require installation of Windows and VM software to play within Mac OS). This is particularly crucial with current SSD models where HD capacity can be limited.

Allows you to play natively within Mac OS without having to reboot into Windows.

Has a rather technical installation process which might fry your brain if you don't like that sort of thing.

Can be backed up and restored easily from Time Machine in case of HD Failure.

For an experienced Wine user, the setup will take less than an hour to complete. More for the green Wine user, but you will learn valuable skills that you can use for future Wine application installations.
A Bootcamp Installation has the following pros/cons
Requires you to have the correct Full Licensed copy of Windows as per your version of Mac OS (XP/Vista can only be installed on Snow Leopard, Lion - Mavericks requires Windows 7 or newer)

To play within Mac OS you must also own a licensed copy of VMWare, Parallels, or any other Virtualization software supported by Mac OS.

Bootcamp will take up a noteworthy chunk of your Hard Drive as required by Windows. 30GB is the bare minimum. Recommended size is between 60GB and 80GB to allow for additional programs. You cannot change this partition size to be larger later without completely removing the bootcamp partition and re-installing it, so choose wisely.

In the event of HD Failure, a Time Machine backup will not preserve your installation of Windows or any of the installed programs on it. You will have to install everything all over again.
Bootcamp FAQ Link:

Bootcamp Setup & Installation Guide:

Blue: (Inactive)
Pinoit Pumpie, Elleyne
<Bregan D'Aerth>

TAKProject: (Inactive)
Marshmallow Staypuffed, Pinoit, Pinot, Piia, Dahria, Freyja, Inaera, Naga, Bhut, Mata

Green: (Inactive)
<Black Lotus>

Babayaaga Danaeis, Ellyn Danaeis
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