Thread: Boxing Rules
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Old 08-29-2010, 02:38 PM
Bashee_Feind Bashee_Feind is offline

Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 40

I will say, back in the early days (beta to release) My grandparents got beta cd's, and my grandmother, grandfather, and I played. They played more than me (yes, gaming grands. funny right?) But they were a monk/druid combo. They were online at the same times, and would level sometimes by themselves. But for the most part, they were in groups contributing when they could solo. When my grandmother couldn't or didn't want to play, my grandfather would log in the druid, and still be a contributing factor to the group. I played a rogue, and most times they'd get me in a list for the group and we'd settle in for an evening of exping. While I think that more than 2 boxes would affect the server in a negative manner, I don't see the problem with 2 box maximum. Me and my wife currently play. She doesn't play as often as I do by far, and for the most part, she just levels in my cleric if i need buffs or a res. She started a mage, and I could have easily kept her alive to do whatever she wanted to do. But she chose to find groups to have a social aspect.

That said, not everyone that has the ability to duo whatever they want will actually do so. In the same regards, not everyone will want to box. I was playing on another server before here that you pretty much had to box on. I quickly left because I just don't like to maintain 2 boxes.

To get back on track, I would support the option to 2 box.. For the longest time, my wife wanted to play when I did (before the ip exemption) and she couldn't. Now we are able to log in at the same time, but can only run the accounts that have been exempted at the same time. So therefore, a method is already in place to prevent you logging in multiple accounts no the same ip. I don't think it'd be hard to regulate at all.