Thread: Recent Events
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Old 12-21-2013, 01:20 PM
Conky Conky is offline

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Posts: 171

When a player playing a team sport does something against the rules he receives a penalty which affects the team as well, when a hockey player uses an illegal stick and receives a penalty, the team then plays 4 against 5 for the duration of the penalty, same with soccer and every other team sport, the team suffers from the action of 1 player. Ive never seen any coach saying "thats not fair, it was only 1 player why is the whole team being punished?" or threatning to disband the team or pull out of the game.

If you choose to give someone your account info thats your problem, you chose to trust them with that info and now pay the price for that decision.

I never had anything against TMO since ive played on this server but the way you handled this was probably the worst way you could of done it. What you should of done was give an apoligy for the actions of the 2 members that screwed you and take your suspension like grown ups.