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Old 08-18-2010, 11:59 AM
Arclanz Arclanz is offline

Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 284

I'd like to apologize for the nasty feedback I left a few weeks ago due to my anger at how mob speed is rediculously out of whack compared to original eq.

That said, yes mob speed is WAY too fast here. I had sow on AND levitate and got a 30 second head-start on a decaying skeleton. I was making a b-line for the oasis zone from North Ro. 30 seconds later sow faded. Just for grins, I adjusted the camera to see behind me. I did not get much of a lead before sow faded; and that skeleton caught up to me right before I zoned. Mind you I was in the middle of the zone; not at the coast; so that skeleton had to go up and down those huge hills while I just levitated across them. And even with a 30 second sow advantage he still caught up to me.

Suffice it to say that no matter what head start you have (stun, etc); unless you have sow the mob is going to catch up to you.