Thread: Game Mechanics: Spite golems in Hate
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Old 09-15-2013, 05:00 PM
Vandy Vandy is offline

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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Lafayette, LA
Posts: 283

I have found several descriptions of a Spite Golem being completely immune to everything except Poison/Disease and running away at low health but cant seem to find any instance of gating.

second hate raid was awesome for a while until we tried to kill our first Spite Golem which drops the Shaman armor I so desire. Spite Golems have an amazing magic resistance that hardly allows any spells to stick. Poison and disease dot's seemed to work though, but they had tons of hitpoints. When it finally got down to very few hitpoints left, it started running off... we all tried to snare and root him but he kept running and resisting... so eventually we ran into some other mobs while we were chasing him down.. a Cleric of Innoruuk, a few ire ghasts, a couple revultant rats, and a nasty loathing lich. OMG.. it was terrifying.. so many of us died.. but this time our clerics camped. I died twice that night.. and again won nothing. I need to go to more of those raids.[\Quote]

Also from 2001
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