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Old 09-07-2013, 08:11 AM
Erratic Erratic is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 6

Originally Posted by Tasslehofp99 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
At this point releasing velious without a concrete set of rules in place, and removing sanctioned training from p99 raiding would just be detrimental.

The rules we have now aren't enforced fairly, what makes you think adding more mobs and players is going to fix anything?
Most definitely - More content, lots more end game content. Enjoy all the traks you want.

And of course every other guild wants a change because they are losing currently. Making a change to the raiding scene would basically be devs going "OK tmo just can't be beat, so we're gonna have to do it for you by making things more "fair".

The blue print is there...its not a major secret to success. Other active players just don't want to do it, or fake active players aka casuals want end game loot with less effort and time investment.

Unite the clans, so many level 60s not in TMO it would be Persia vs the Spartans. Get organized follow the blueprint or continue typing on the forums whining and getting zero done.
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