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Old 08-24-2013, 02:16 PM
Stasis01 Stasis01 is online now
Planar Protector

Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 4,340

Nihilum kills every target other than VP or trak on one day back to back - if another raid shows up they will go pvp them first (which is the united states vs an african tribe with spears)

That itself is a broken system that doesn't promote pvp - it griefs the guild that shows up to try to snatch a dragon and gets their ass kicked every time vs full numbers of the #1 guild.

I was in Nihilum for awhile, they aren't strong at off peak times - while variance on blue may not be the answer, on red it would be worth a shot, they just don't have the people to be all in 7 days a week, and it'll show who wants Sev more at 2am for example, since it's all on one day they show up and get it done.

PS Teams isn't about making balance at end game - it's about having a low level/mid level community of players that can work together and not be worried about getting killed in group low hp, killed straight up. On red99 new players are isolated to play solo, most other players are existing high lvls that are looking to grief/YT, and they end up bored/frustrated and end up quitting. With teams you look for backup among team mates, securing zones for the teams etc that build community that should be the focus of these PVP talks.

Everyone knows the resists are fucked - but those aren't core issues that are why red99 sucks.