Thread: EC tunnel wtf
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Old 07-31-2010, 09:40 AM
Straif Straif is offline

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Originally Posted by Edgetiq [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

I understand his anger at the virtual world!
The virtual world? I sometimes believe the line blurs between real life attitudes and sentiments and those portrayed on the internet. The only difference is the anonymity of the web lets you get away with shit you normally wouldn't do / say / act in the real world.

My only beef is, when I see things like that in either or, I have to ask myself, is it up to me to be the change I want to see in the world or does everyone have a lethargic attitude and or generalize / hate people just to do it?

I'm curious as to what eqdruid thinks... I'm 24, and considering you don't discriminate (i.e. everyone) is a piece of shit. What can I do (or should I do) to better myself and my peers?

Can you pass along some wisdom or should I just go the Timothy McVeigh route?