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Old 08-12-2013, 11:29 AM
titofuentes titofuentes is offline

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Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 100

Just a couple incorrect assertions in your initial post. Yes, trolls/iksar regen 12 standing/18 sitting at 60. This is not 144 hp per minute standing. It's only 120. Sitting it's 180. This doesn't equal 3 free cannis for 150 mana. 120 hp in that minute gives you 2 canni 1s which is only 56 mana at 60. Here's the equivalent mana for hp from troll regen. Standing: canni 1=67.2 mana. Canni2=64.48 mana. Canni4=66.49 mana. Sitting: canni1=100.8 mana. Canni2=96.72 mana. Canni4=99.73 mana. This is all against someone not regenning at all. Since trolls/iksar only regen 8/11 respectively over ogres and barbs the numbers are lower. 44.8 42.99 44.32 respectively for standing and 61.6 59.1 60.95 respectively for sitting. This is how much extra mana you can produce per minute by picking troll or iksar. You also give advice of buying a fungi etc if you can afford it. Obviously this guide is for established players since who has 100k plus when starting out here?
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