Project 1999

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TheConsortium 12-10-2021 05:58 PM

Waiting for next TLP; havent been back to EQ but here looks reasonable
Hey guys. How are the groupings here? I remember when I started EQ, there were always people in crush bone, EC, castle mist more and all that.

This game is always about community and it seems like there is a good one here. I'm looking at lots of different servers after getting interested in the next TLP server but Green server seems best

D1E53L 12-11-2021 12:55 PM

Guess it depends what you're looking for. I played TLP for about 4 minutes before i realized that it isn't classic everquest merely just a time block on new mobs/gear. Its cruise control easy with no sense of community, because its just a rush on getting ready for the next expac. With things like instance picking it feels like most modern MMO's and it does not drive any social interaction.

That being said, if youre looking for extensive QOL and ease TLPs are where its at. Its preference based I'd say. I don't enjoy the TLP vibes but many people would disagree. P99 continues to have a community, though I won't and cant promise those zone will be filled up, getting a group is still entirely possible and the content feels Everquest-authentic.

starkind 12-11-2021 01:31 PM

TLP moves way to fast.

If TLP would stay in luclin or some certain expansion that'd be great.

Otherwise it's not worth playing on it when the server inevitably dies during pop.

I think one or two rounds of TLP is good./worth it

i inevitably cant keep pace or want to give my attention elsewere for just 5 minutes and the server is 10 expansions down the road with a sub 300 pop.

I recommend u try out blue/green here or just hang on TakP. U can box over at TakP and it ends in pop. U can hang out here on blue/green and have one active character each on either server.

TheConsortium 12-11-2021 02:03 PM

thx i appreciate both ur opinions

Swish 12-11-2021 06:51 PM

Characters here stay forever, so if you want to take a year off you can pick up where you left off without thinking you missed the boat.

Valik1016 12-13-2021 04:06 PM

This moves nice and slow compared to TLP servers on live EQ. That allows you to take your time leveling and questing, which is relaxing and comfortable. Do not think that everybody else is doing that though. Even when you do find a group at your level the other players will almost always be twinked to the gills with equipment from their dozens of level 60 characters they aren't telling you about. So for example, you may play a level 5 enchanter, have half your armor slots empty and half full of cloth armor that dropped from skeletons, and missing half your spells because you only have 3s left for money. You are sitting on orc hill in your group of players who have hundreds of thousands of platinum worth of weapons, armor, etc.. You run out of mana after 3 spellcasts because your INT is 137, while your mates have endless mana because they have INT 255 and some mana regen items. To make it worse, your mates hint that they are better than you and you feel bad. Then, as though they completely forgot what it means to have zero plat, they start linking you the items they have which cost practically nothing to buy (nothing being hundreds and thousands of plat) with the sage advice that you should go buy those as well. My advice to you is to ignore those people. Just play within your means, build up slowly, take your time, enjoy the game, and do not compare yourself to others who have probably been on P99 for 5-10 years and have long ago forgotten what it means to be a real newbie.

My next advice is that on your first few characters, as you are learning the mechanics of the characters and how they function solo and in groups, do not accept an offer to be power leveled (to allow some high level person to basically do all the work while you sit there, perhaps looking at the screen, perhaps not, and just go from level 5 to level 25 in an hour. That person thinks they are being kind to you. The intention is good. The result is that you don't learn how to play your character, so at the end of the session you have no clue what to do with yourself, and now you have to go buy many levels worth of spells, and you have to somehow get all your own skills up to par, because you didn't use them all that time. The next time you play with new people they will not want to hear that you don't have this spell or that ability. And besides all that, you will have cheated yourself out of an integral part of the game. When people get nostalgic during meditation breaks you will be unable to share in it. Someday when you have played characters through all the levels and zones and lore and you create your 20th alt character, and you just can't face going through the same things you have gone through 100 times, then accept a power level to get you through it faster.

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