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gl2748 10-17-2014 10:58 PM

P99 - Addiction?
I'm here because my bf is obsessed with p99, he spends a lot of time online, like 12hrs+ a day and i don't know what's up it's kind of terrifying actually? I understand it's an in-depth game and all that but it's affecting his real life, like just going outside and getting basic stuff done. I'm worried that he'll kind of wake up a year or two down the line and freak out about the real world carrying on without him, kind of like the film reprise:

I understand this might not be the best place to ask, but can someone give me some insight into this thing that's taking over his life, advice on getting through this?

PS. I get that it can equally be a symptom of something else, i'm not blaming p99, but there must be others who've gone through this...

Cranky 10-19-2014 10:51 PM

I will have a go as my life was 'interrupted' by EverQuest.

What did I lose? My friends, my job and my home. I am no writer but I will try and explain EQ and addiction from my point of view.

The simple answer is EQ or probably any good MMORPG, can be as addictive as a drug, with the same symptoms and consequences. I have played MANY MMORPG from UO to WOW, COH, Rift, GW2... but I think EQ has the most potential for harmful addiction though and I will talk about it specifically.

Simply, EQ is an unforgiving bitch. Spend two days gathering the ingredients for a cultural armour piece, hit combine... failed, not even a skill point... FUCK! Do it all again, but now you know where that Iksar blood drops so you get the pieces you need, put them in the forge, hit combine... FAILED AGAIN!! It is enough to make you cry. As strong as the feeling is when you fail it is equally as strong as when you succeed, finally I got the Dreadscale full set!, finally I got caught the AC for his ring, finally I got the farking gobbo to drop his earring so I can sell it and be 14% closer to the haste item I want to buy... finally, finally finally....

Coupled with finally, finally finally is "Just one more..." Just one more Grachnist spawn, just one one more skill point, just one more port to earn 5pp... Just one more... One more...

Ok so how did I lose everything to EQ? Well it is fun!, fun as hell, it feels AWESOME(see drug reference) when you get the haste item you covet or your guild kills that dragon for the first time., HUZZZAH! It feels really good. Ok so now you want to play EQ more but life is in the way, no problem, you say to myself that I will spend five hours at work and not touch EQ! I promise! And you do, you get your work done and it feels great, you reward your self for a job well done with another eight hour Grachnist camp!

But next time your work day clashes with the Vox spawn, shit! Ok, I'll do two hours rushed work, drop the dragon with my mates and call back the client and lie that it was a family emergency... But the raid goes long and you don't call back the client, you feel like shit. Damn! To feel better you log back into EQ where you can show off your new Cloak of Flames and talk with your guild mates on how best to drop Vox, Hell yah I got a skill point in brewing too! Twelve hours passes by and the you still have not called the client, shit'! I'll send him an email that I have the information he needs and he can expect my call the next morning, first thing. Except you sleep through the meeting because you were up all night with the guild trying to kill Nagafen for the first time... Solution?? A session in Sebilis will help you ignore the angry customer and now and a voice-mail from your boss asking for an explanation...

EQ is a harsh bitch that makes the rewards that much sweeter. Got real life problems? Logging in and killing pixels is a lot easier than dealing with them. At what cost? For me it was my friends, my job and when I could not pay the bills, my home. Is this what is happening with your spouse? Maybe.

Do I have a solution? No. Like a drug, he/she may have to hit bottom before he can leave it behind. Perhaps take a sledge hammer to his computer, seriously.

The good news is that unlike a drug, the withdraw is fairly painless. When my I lost my Internet connection, that was the end of EQ and the next day I got started on the LONG process of rebuilding my life.

Want some more insight? Check out the EXCELLENT two part game addiction/compulsion videos from the fine guys at Extra Credits Be sure to watch Part two as dude details his spiral into MMORPG: (Part one) (Part two)



Originally Posted by gl2748 (Post 1648957)
I'm here because my bf is obsessed with p99, he spends a lot of time online, like 12hrs+ a day and i don't know what's up it's kind of terrifying actually? I understand it's an in-depth game and all that but it's affecting his real life, like just going outside and getting basic stuff done. I'm worried that he'll kind of wake up a year or two down the line and freak out about the real world carrying on without him, kind of like the film reprise:

I understand this might not be the best place to ask, but can someone give me some insight into this thing that's taking over his life, advice on getting through this?

PS. I get that it can equally be a symptom of something else, i'm not blaming p99, but there must be others who've gone through this...

Grimjaw 10-19-2014 11:03 PM



The game is renowned and berated (by some psychologists specializing in computer addiction) for its addictive qualities. Many players refer to it half-jokingly as "EverCrack" (a disparaging comparison to crack cocaine). There has been one well-publicized suicide of an EverQuest user named Shawn Woolley that resulted in his mother, Liz, founding Online Gamers Anonymous.

I suggest everyone here to check out that site. ^

Izzni 10-19-2014 11:17 PM

He needs to have something interesting to do on a regular basis in real life, combined with a shitty experience in game that burns him out.

iruinedyourday 10-19-2014 11:27 PM

Feanol 10-19-2014 11:28 PM

-Do you enjoy leisure activities more than obligations?

-Do you prefer doing things that make you happy instead of things that exhaust you?

-Do you realize that time will wash every tower to the ground?

Well welcome to being a damn human. And remember that 100 years from now, no one will give a shit. Enjoy your precious time on this planet, and remember that the only real satisfaction is in achieving the goals you set for yourself. Whatever they might be.

And don't worry so much.

Tupakk 10-19-2014 11:36 PM

Best thing to do is delete a file, and you will get him back lol.

Faiding 10-20-2014 12:05 AM

It's pretty simple, really. Addiction is rooted with some kind of real world problem, usually stress or depression. Those are often caused by a lack of feeling of useful, satisfaction, or achievement.

MMO's are a good outlet for relief because they offer artificial social integration, with plenty of avenues for feeling a sense of achievement, which is what all people inherently need.

I was young (high school) when I was addicted to MMO's/EQ so it had minimal impact on my life. A sense of achievement was what kept me playing -- and what a shocker -- as soon as I started achieving things in real life, I stopped caring about EQ entirely.

Now I appreciate it for being cheap entertainment.

Diogene 10-20-2014 02:35 AM

I was addicted to EQ back in 99 as I was young and at the time feeling useless (maybe). It took me off all my friends, my social life and dragged me to the bottom. In the end, my girlfriend told me to fuck off, then I realized maybe a month later that I loved her. I quit EQ to get her back, but she found someone else in the meantime. I decided to never play this game again.

Lesson learned. Was just a phase. Some people need to experience shit to learn. EQ is a fantastic game, whats not so fantastic is the rush to pixels that makes people ugly and selfish. Now I play casual for the fun only when I got time (4 years I'm on this server, and my main char is only lvl31 :D)
Still love this game, but I guess I realized its just Entertainment (a good one of course)

Best luck to you
PS :sorry for my English, not native

EDIT : I don't say you need to dump your BF, not at all, it was just my experience. Everyone is different of course.

Clark 10-20-2014 05:14 AM

Maybe we can have group therapy session for guilds and individuals on this pressing issue. Games kill people. People don't kill people. 2014

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