Project 1999

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sammoHung 02-01-2024 08:41 AM

<Good Guys>
I'll start by saying, I'm not even mad. I just think it's silly.

Spent a month raiding with <Good Guys>, generally having a pretty good time. Fairly active, DJ on raid discord, make available many roles depending on what is needed. I didn't think I was rubbing anyone the wrong way, but I suppose I was...

Got approached because there were "suspicions" that I was selling raid loot. When a "HR" messaged me telling me that GG frowns upon that, and there are ways to sell it back to the guild, I responded with a "Got it, thanks."

This "HR" reported to the guild that my response was flippant and dismissive. This caused people to vote against keeping me in guild.

After a messy CT, and getting harassed by other guilds to concede, (after GG already announced the intent to drop CT) I said in ooc "This game and server suck." Someone from competing guild said something along the lines of "Cry about it, Sammo." And I responded, "suck a CT rod." and left.

This got screenshotted and was a hot topic of discussion for the guild as well. This caused more members to vote against me staying.

So after a month of pretty active raiding, and generally getting along with the guild members and trying to be helpful, I was voted off the island. It's quite silly. The two sticking points I was given (above) for why I was booted are silly. As I said, I'm not even mad. But, you all have to realize how silly that is?

I'm not reading any responses. Trash me all you want, RnF. P99 has had it's ups and downs these last 2 years. I won't see you around in game. On to better things.

Infectious 02-01-2024 09:04 AM

Good job getting kicked from the guild that will take anybody with a pulse.

WarpathEQ 02-01-2024 10:23 AM

Please tell me they told you to suck a CT rod on the way out :D that would really put a bow on this story.

Bboboo 02-01-2024 11:43 AM


What loot did you sell and for how much?

Toxigen 02-01-2024 12:13 PM

welcome to p99

nphixion 02-01-2024 03:08 PM

Boy you tellin hella fibs but I’m glad you’re not mad. Next time don’t sell raid loot on a registered character on the website. Don’t let the door hit you and your 5-60s on the way out. Also: let me have your gear ��

Toxigen 02-01-2024 03:43 PM

selling raid loot is standard practice

hope this helps

Evia 02-01-2024 04:02 PM

WipeItClean2024 02-01-2024 06:47 PM

Selling raid loot is indeed classic

Nothing to see here

Smoofers 02-01-2024 06:49 PM

gr8 b8 m8

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