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99Light 12-09-2022 01:45 PM

Warrior or Shadow Knight. Help please.
Background, i played on live for a few years but never during these expansions. Ive been on P99 about 5 weeks. Leveled an iksar monk in Kunark to 35 and a dwarf paladin to 25 in BB/Unrest.

I keep waffling between rolling up an SK or Warr. I like tanking or dps in groups, not a silk caster or healer. With my limited game knowledge to make pp ive banked 5 pieces of crusty, 2 5/55 rings, schw. I have just under 1kp left to sort out weapons. My playtimes are 3-6 several days during week and can do a bit more on weekends. Ill group when able but need to be able to solo at least something to keep exp moving.

Have no idea when or if ill hit 60 or what id do once there. If there is some sort of casual raid guild that would be great but i assume im going to be solo/group camping for gear.

Race has me concerned. I was going to do ogre but when leveling a paladin in unrest i saw how hard of a time an ogre had in the house it has me concerned. Ive never been to the guks, hhk, seb, chardok and so on If i end up on an ogre sk am i screwed on shrinks?

Any sage advice for someone trugging along? Im on Green if that matters.

Encroaching Death 12-09-2022 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by 99Light (Post 3542551)
i saw how hard of a time an ogre had in the house it has me concerned.



Warrior will be more gear dependent, and you probably won't want to solo with them. And they're probably more boring to play. Warriors are key players in raid environments though.

Shadow Knights might play a role in Raids here and there, but not as much as a Warrior. Some people see that as a positive though.

Shadow Knights have benefits that Warriors don't get naturally, like Feign Death, invisibility, long lasting levitate. Feign Death is especially awesome.

SKs can also solo...kind of. At least for a melee. You can fear kite with clickies, but admittedly, I don't know how effective it is.

Also SKs and Paladins tend to be the favored tanks while leveling up as they can hold aggro typically better than a leveling Warrior.

My suggestion (overall and in general) is Shadow Knight.

If you're completely set on being an active leader in a raid scenario, then Warrior.

Philistine 12-09-2022 03:13 PM

It's a decision only you can make, but imho it's going to be a matter of what role you want to play on raids and how much pain you're willing to endure to fill that role.

SKs are better group tanks (IMHO) but are mostly limited to Kunark bosses and Velious trash when raiding. Warriors can be frustrating in groups (again, IMHO) but when geared out can be MTs for velious raids.

Some things I feel like some don't consider when starting a warrior: being 60 alone isn't good enough to MT - you'll also need to grind out good weapons and gear, and that will take time. Also, you only normally need 1-3 warriors (normally 1, sometimes 2, occasionally 3) for a raid target, so every other warrior there will be redundant. Also, you're going to be compared to warriors who have spent years gearing, so even when you do have good enough gear to tank, you may get passed over . Last but not least, LOTS of people play warriors, so competition for gear is fierce

To be clear, I stopped leveling my pally to level a warrior and the payoff has been worth it. Just have to know what you want and what you're getting into with each!

Race shouldn't matter a ton in the end; they can all get it done. That said, you'll feel thr benefit of ogre until you have very high end gear. I went iksar and love it, but I'll be honest, that forever lack of infinite charge invis and shrink clickies hurts a little.

Toxigen 12-09-2022 03:39 PM

If you're not interested in the extreme end game play a SK.

If you're in it for the long haul and want to be the strongest tank possible, go war.

You sound pretty casual. Prob wanna go SK. I recommend troll (good base stats and regen).

eqravenprince 12-09-2022 03:40 PM

I did hate the whole ducking thing with ogres and trolls. If you like DPS like I do, Warrior is appealing with the crits and crippling blows. It's more challenging, but I feel like it's more rewarding. Shadow Knights solo better, hold aggro better in groups, have feign death, invis, invis vs undead, pet for tracking is handy. I've played a Human SK and Dwarf Warrior to 50+ and loved both equally.

99Light 12-09-2022 03:48 PM

Thanks for the replies. I think i will go SK for now. Maybe if i ever make it to the end game i can decide if i want and can make time to raid invest a warr as well.

With only about 900 pp left for weapons can anyone suggest what to tunnel quest for to get him started?

Jibartik 12-09-2022 03:55 PM

Nice, may the hate consume you.

Philistine 12-09-2022 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by 99Light (Post 3542599)
Thanks for the replies. I think i will go SK for now. Maybe if i ever make it to the end game i can decide if i want and can make time to raid invest a warr as well.

With only about 900 pp left for weapons can anyone suggest what to tunnel quest for to get him started?

Disclosure: I've never played an SK.

I feel like Poison Wind Censer, Deathbringer's Rod, Axe of Lost Souls, or Green Jade Halberd would be good gets?

I'm sure others have better suggestions.

Jibartik 12-09-2022 05:22 PM

are some ok ones in that price range

wagorf 12-10-2022 02:42 AM

for a casual leveling player with limited wealth due to being new, go sk or paladin

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