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Rogean 12-19-2024 01:56 AM

Patch Notes: December 19th, 2024
The latest patch contains new required files. Download the new Patch Files from the top of the Home page, or the Getting Started Guide.

  • Nilbog: Poriss Splitrock is named Poriss Crackrock [!Dec2000]
  • Nilbog: Goblin Forged Iron Legplates may now drop. [Aug2000]
  • Nilbog: Goblin Forged Iron Armplates may now drop only from goblin stonechanters. [Aug2000]
  • Nilbog: Trudie Steelbone, Daria Smith, Andara C`Luzz, Trista N`Ryt, Zartox Ru`Soe, Nekola N`Ryt, Garren D`Vek, and Hutyn L`Lozz no longer spawn.
  • Nilbog: Added missing guard event in highpass.
  • Nilbog: Staff of the Morning Dew is 2hb until [Nov2001].
  • Nilbog: goblin depredators are now shadowknights. goblin legates now use a regular cleric spellset.
  • Nilbog: Rolandal, Kardakor, Taskmaster Abyott do not spawn until [May2001]
  • Nilbog: Teachings of Gkrean, Head of Staff Sergeant Drioc do not drop until [May2001]
  • Nilbog: Vilefang does not spawn until [May2001]
  • Nilbog: an enslaved iksar provides bad faction dialogue for quest keywords, turn ins, and has multiquest support.
  • Nilbog: [Nov2000] Small pieces of high-quality ore may drop from certain goblins in Runnyeye until the zone's revamp. After the revamp, they may drop from goblin janitor.
  • Nilbog: Ralgyn does not discuss his quest until [May2001]
  • Nilbog: Corrected an issue where a particular sand giant spawn would drop no coin in sro.
  • Nilbog: Corrected despawn behavior of Kael Militia Captain.
  • Nilbog: Updated faction hits for 'a noble'.
  • Nilbog: Corbin Blackwell's respawn time increased.
  • Nilbog: Added missing spellset to faerie dragons in wakening.
  • Nilbog: Wista no longer offers wolf meat quest.
  • Nilbog: The 4th coldain prayer shawl quest, npcs, and related tradeskill recipes are not implemented until [Mar2001]
  • Nilbog: 'Majik Power' quest now requires tadpole fleshes instead of snake skins.
  • Nilbog: 'More Help for Innoruuk' quest removed.
  • Nilbog: Bricks of High Quality Ore do not drop until [Sep2000]. Adjusted vendor buy/sell pricing of the ores to match classic values.
  • Nilbog: Connie Link now exists [Sep2000].
  • Nilbog: Several chainmail vendor wares corrected and spawns restricted until [Sep2000].
  • Nilbog: Restricted many tailoring patterns and recipes to their proper eras.
  • Nilbog: Rylin Coil doesn't spawn until [Oct1999].
  • Nilbog: metal fastening, sharkskin tubing, lime coated meshing, and fine coral mesh do not appear on vendor lists until [Oct1999].
  • Nilbog: Resolved an issue with several undead npcs not seeing through regular invisibility.
  • Telin: Added classic tint color to lighting in outdoor zones. Credit to Solar for the RGB values.
  • Telin: The moon now rises and sets in the South/North as in classic era.
  • Telin: Removed non-classic solar/lunar directional lighting.
  • Telin: Ultravision and Infravision will have improved performance due to the changes above.
  • Telin: Lions now drop ruined lion skin.
  • Telin: Treants in WK are less common than before.
  • Telin: Isabella Cellus should now require LoS to engage in aggro.
  • Telin: Kilva's skin of flame and related dosage recipes should now combine properly.
  • Telin: Updated loot and faction for Cei Sunjumper, Sil Silverstar, Shadow Treebright, and Ceel Moonwhisper of West Commonlands.
  • Pained Soul on P99 Green will no longer utilize the /list system.

Dronelord27 12-19-2024 02:19 AM

I was playing my new little rogue. I was like this is BOGUS! The moon?!? Not classic! Take the servers DOWN! What is gonna happen to us all? :D

Zwieback 12-19-2024 02:27 AM

25 will be the year of merges

Pacatus 12-19-2024 02:28 AM

Vindi BP still not fix Rog, come on man

p99portage 12-19-2024 02:29 AM

/chant What do we want?
/chant Food and drink durations!
/chant When do we want it?
/chant NOW!

Misek84 12-19-2024 05:51 AM

Just downloaded the new patch. Whenever I enter game, its extremely choppy, I can’t look around, and there appears to be some issue with chat cause I’m not getting the camp count down and have to /q. Anyone getting this?

sogundordor 12-19-2024 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Misek84 (Post 3712052)
Just downloaded the new patch. Whenever I enter game, its extremely choppy, I can’t look around, and there appears to be some issue with chat cause I’m not getting the camp count down and have to /q. Anyone getting this?

I have this problem when login the first time after this patch too,
i quit the game and open eqclient.ini change the maxfps to something like 30,
login again it becomes normal, which means the fps bar in game setting is working
i don't know why but its ok now~

Ciderpress 12-19-2024 06:54 AM

There was an optional patch that re-enabled the FPS slider in-game a couple weeks ago. Maybe it's included in this patch by default, so if your slider is set to a low value, everything will be choppy until you change it.

Ciderpress 12-19-2024 07:09 AM

Hmm my barb is no longer blind at night. With gamma up everything has a consistent blue glow, almost like I have a weak form of UV on. Then when I get actual UV it's really bright.

Before patch barb\humans were truly night blind even with gamma up. Only lightsources would help.

Not really a complaint so much as the first thing I noticed. I understand UV\Infra were changed, but it seems to be quite a bit different now even without any vision buffs.

Jimjam 12-19-2024 09:03 AM

Thank you Rogean, Nilbog, Telin et al.!

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