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zelld52 09-30-2023 01:53 PM

How bad are mages solo in level-appropriate dungeons?
Mage is one of the few classes I've never played.

I've done Necro solo to 60, strictly charming 40-60. I've done Enc solo to 58, strictly charming 29ish - 58.

Have done both of these classes solo in challenging places, ie: dungeons. Enchanter obviously had a much broader range of viable dungeons - but the Necro was really efficient in certain places.

I know Mage won't stack up to either of these two, but I got the hankering to play a mage. Don't plan on pushing all the way to 60 (Unless I fall in love), but would like to log in for a few hours per week when I can squeeze time in to play.

Can mage do appropriate level dungeons without waiting 5 mins between fights? I wouldn't mind burning a mana bar over 10 minutes and AFK for 5-10..

Not gonna get a manastone or anything, but maybe some other HP regen items and a FT1. Would that matter? Or not really?

What do ya'll think, can a mage log in for 30 minutes, burn a mana bar killing consitently in a dungeon for 20 mins then afk for 5-10 while medding bck to full before logging again?

enjchanter 09-30-2023 02:39 PM

in a dungeon probably not , youll need a spot where you can get singles

PatChapp 09-30-2023 02:52 PM

Depends on the dungeon really. Can do ok in najena, where mobs mostly come single or double. If you have a spot to kite the second mob mages do fine, after that level range your kind of delegated to soloing in outdoor zones.

patrick210 09-30-2023 03:52 PM

Yeah outdoor zones forsure, or singles / double spots. Just get used to chain summoning pets. or Use earth root to CC.

Mage solo is worth it if you play smart.

Earth pet + DS and nukes when ya need. /Pet go away in a hot key for when chain summoning $$

Don't heal pets unless it's dire, just summon another one.

loramin 09-30-2023 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by zelld52 (Post 3649291)
Not gonna get a manastone or anything, but maybe some other HP regen items and a FT1. Would that matter? Or not really?

FT1 is one mana per tick, or ten per minute. Ten extra mana per minute will not make a meaningful difference.


Originally Posted by zelld52 (Post 3649291)
What do ya'll think, can a mage log in for 30 minutes, burn a mana bar killing consitently in a dungeon for 20 mins then afk for 5-10 while medding bck to full before logging again?

Absolutely, but as others have said, it depends on the dungeon. However, in general I think you're going to want to XP outdoors: if you look at the Mage spots on, you'll notice very few are in dungeons.

Snaggles 09-30-2023 05:49 PM

Past about Sol B dogs I can’t see it. Find single spawns or break like HK nobles with a root net and stay on top of them.

Crawling without CC or tricks is dodgy. I still love the mage and would push one to 60, just in a more boring way.

silo32 10-05-2023 10:21 AM

Epic mage peak dungeon crawling is pretty much droga.

Hard pill to swallow.

Toxigen 10-05-2023 10:46 AM


Andyman1022 10-05-2023 02:17 PM


Jimjam 10-05-2023 04:16 PM

When soloing with a mage you need to remember that the one doing the work is a melee, not a caster.

In other words you need to be chain killing single mobs which are just above the lowest xp threshold.

It isn’t like nec/enc/shaman where you potentially solo a room of yellows.

Or so I’ve been advised.

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