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Topgunben 02-26-2022 08:34 PM

Possible for Ukraine to beat back Russia?
Just curious on your thoughts here. Do you think it's possible that Ukraine is able to exhaust Russia into retreat? I have heard from some sources, albeit unreliable, that Putin only has a couple weeks before his coffers run out. Morale seems to be low amongst the Russian populace, and likely equally so amongst the Russian rank and file.

Added to all this, Europe and the USA are sending weaponry and sanctioning the hell out of Russia.

Lastly, Putin may have vastly underestimated the Ukrainian's patriotism. Seeing the president, former president, parliament, the Klitchko brothers, and hundreds of thousands more willing to stay and fight is nothing short of heroic.

Ukraine wont be receiving Putin's army with open arms

starkind 02-26-2022 08:36 PM


unsunghero 02-26-2022 08:44 PM

I think it depends on how he is willing to fight. I’m fairly certain if he decides to just level the city with rockets he stands no chance to lose. But if you didn’t think he’s facing war crime charges before, Hooooo boy will be after doing that

Supposedly he’s only been able to advance during the day because his army has sub-par gear including a lack of night vision equipment. If he can get that to his army (who’s to say China doesn’t help with weapons or costs just not outwardly?) and they can push 24/7, he’ll also surely win

If China doesn’t assist with weapons or funding, he’s not willing to just turn the capital into a parking lot, and continues to only push during the day, there’s a small chance he can lose I guess

He doesn’t have to take the city, just try to do enough damage to entice the president to get into a peace talk that favors Putin. But the Ukrainian pres found his balls and discovered they’re made of brass, so he might continue to decline that

Topgunben 02-26-2022 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by unsunghero (Post 3428287)
I think it depends on how he is willing to fight. I’m fairly certain if he decides to just level the city with rockets he stands no chance to lose. But if you didn’t think he’s facing war crime charges before, Hooooo boy will be after doing that

Supposedly he’s only been able to advance during the day because his army has sub-par gear including a lack of night vision equipment. If he can get that to his army (who’s to say China doesn’t help with weapons or costs just not outwardly?) and they can push 24/7, he’ll also surely win

If China doesn’t assist with weapons or funding, he’s not willing to just turn the capital into a parking lot, and continues to only push during the day, there’s a small chance he can lose I guess

He doesn’t have to take the city, just try to do enough damage to entice the president to get into a peace talk that favors Putin. But the Ukrainian pres found his balls and discovered they’re made of brass, so he might continue to decline that

I had mulled around with that idea, that if he just inflicts ultimate damage, he will force Ukraine into submission. But then there is the other side, which is, he may end up galvanizing the defenders resolve to defend against foreign invaders.

unsunghero 02-26-2022 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Topgunben (Post 3428289)
I had mulled around with that idea, that if he just inflicts ultimate damage, he will force Ukraine into submission. But then there is the other side, which is, he may end up galvanizing the defenders resolve to defend against foreign invaders.

He already did that, thousands and thousands of civilians have taken up arms to defend the capital. This also looks bad for Putin just massacring everyone, because even though a civilian is armed, they tend to get a pass for defending their homes and killing them does look worse than killing a soldier

Putin is a sociopath, but I don’t agree that he’s crazy (I call him crazy but not meaning clinically crazy). I believe he is choosing to not just destroy the entire city with rockets from afar for a reason, and that reason is the ramifications. If he wins in a truly brutal way, he might find even China being forced to side against it due to the huge negative PR that comes from not

Reiwa 02-26-2022 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by unsunghero (Post 3428291)
If he wins in a truly brutal way, he might find even China being forced to side against it due to the huge negative PR that comes from not

China voted abstain on the UN resolution condemning Russia(which they vetoed).

>based heckin Xi Jingping!!!

unsunghero 02-26-2022 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Reiwa (Post 3428293)
China voted abstain on the UN resolution condemning Russia(which they vetoed).

>based heckin Xi Jingping!!!

Yeah but if Russia just destroys the city with rockets, or say nukes it, there’s certain actions even evil China will be not eager to not condemn

azeth 02-26-2022 08:59 PM

Hi, shut the fuck up if you voted for Trump and don't have at least a masters degree in sciences from a Massachusetts based university. You have literally no idea how completely stupid you are

unsunghero 02-26-2022 09:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by azeth (Post 3428295)
Hi, shut the fuck up if you voted for Trump and don't have at least a masters degree in sciences from a Massachusetts based university. You have literally no idea how completely stupid you are

I gave it a lot of thought and…

azeth 02-26-2022 09:04 PM

Please identify from which university you attained your bachelor's then masters from before giving further opinions

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