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Bikamin 10-28-2024 03:02 PM

Are "Block of medium quality ore" no longer meant to be sold in Kaladim with the removal of Harnoff Splitrock ?

Seems odd Dwarves wouldn't have an ore vendor.

Hokkus 10-29-2024 06:26 PM

Equestrielle the Corrupted
I think you guys went a little overboard on the increased agro radius. This mob agros from the sisters camp to the DE camp. That is almost like the protectors in Plane of Growth. Is this the intended result?

kus 10-29-2024 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by luzbel (Post 3704802)
I use the containers in the bank, is it necessary to change them? Or can I always keep them there as containers without fear that one day they will automatically change size?

The changed containers retain their number of slots, but the "Combine" functionality no longer works.

More fail: No Priest of Discord in Thurgadin, no exchange possible, and no Tome of Endless Enchantments is sold in Thurgadin, either. That's one hell of a f'ing waste of time trying to get a new tome. :mad:

MasterChupon 10-30-2024 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by flees (Post 3705342)
Any head way on the mouse look thing? It is basically unplayable :( ugh

I was able to fix it for myself by using an old copy of dsetup.dll instead of the new one in the patch. Other people said using Nvidia control panel (or maybe a Radeon equivalent?) to force the game to 60fps fixes it also. The issue is caused because for some reason the game keeps setting the frame rate to 100 regardless of what you try to set it at.

Kaeras 11-02-2024 11:09 AM

Can't log in, Incorrect file "spells_us.txt"

Originally Posted by chapmand1952 (Post 3704677)
I'm having the same issue... spell_us. The date of the file is dated today 10-23 so I imagine it unpacked correctly. But thats the error I'm getting.


Originally Posted by leaveittosteven (Post 3704688)
I'm also having the report of the wrong spells_us.txt file. Why does this only seem to be affecting some of us? What the?

I've extracted the V58 patch to my computer and to my daughters computer, hers will log into the game but mine will not I get the "one or more of your Everquest files are not the correct titanium version for project 99. you will not be able to play until the files listed in red are replaced with the correct version" the file listed in red is "spells_us.txt(295309369)", I've tried extracting the zip file several times and allowing it to replace files but still can't log in, I see there are others with the same issue any progress or suggestions how to cure this problem?

Jimjam 11-03-2024 01:09 PM

Everfrost newbie area is feeling way more classic, but the newbie side of West Karana has some BIG problems.

The treants are creeping around the north west corner of the zone, usually occupied by level 2-5 mobs.

This is obviously terribly problematic for evil characters, but it gets worse. The treants are almost level 30, and have taken it upon themselves to pump up the newbie mobs from like 40 hp to over treble that. You can't run away either - the animals now all have sow.

Finally, if you do manage to outfight a newbie animal, you're still not in the clear - if a treant paths close by it will assist that animal and just totally destroy any low level toon.

I don't remember WK being like this, especially not the lowbie area!

So yeah, great job on everfrost, but I believe WK needs some revision.

hagglebaby 11-09-2024 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Hokkus (Post 3705471)
I think you guys went a little overboard on the increased agro radius. This mob agros from the sisters camp to the DE camp. That is almost like the protectors in Plane of Growth. Is this the intended result?

Can confirm gigantic Equestrielle Aggro radius. died to him 5 times on a single CR just running around the border of the zone. makes sisters camp unplayable to new players who don't have a friend or high level toon to clear equestrielle

Jimjam 11-09-2024 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by hagglebaby (Post 3706624)
Can confirm gigantic Equestrielle Aggro radius. died to him 5 times on a single CR just running around the border of the zone. makes sisters camp unplayable to new players who don't have a friend or high level toon to clear equestrielle

I don’t really like how Verant fucked up newbie/travel zones with their inny / thule events.

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