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sammoHung 10-05-2023 02:29 AM

Dungeon Crawler Tank
Paladin obvious choice right? I was thinking of rolling a very casual alt to play a few hours per week, like 2 sessions of 2 hours each. I want to dungeon dive with this toon, and don't really want to play a caster. I was thinking Paladin is best choice for this, so I can solo / and be the tank for the times when I can muster up a group.

SK isn't better than Paladin at this, right? And for Paladin, is the STR dwarf better for solo than the CHA High elf? What do yall think?

Jimjam 10-05-2023 02:37 AM

Will you be twinking?

Toxigen 10-05-2023 08:04 AM

Human paladin max CHA at creation. (see sig)

But good luck if you aren't gonna have a fungi + narandi crown + big boy haste + endless supply of Kilva's

Crede 10-05-2023 08:58 AM

Dwarf pal, but put points into cha for less gear swaps needed. At a certain point I think sks pull ahead but that takes a lot more gear pally will generally have more options as you level.

Troxx 10-05-2023 02:18 PM

I would vote paladin. SK would get by just fine but their biggest solo strength over paladin (fear kiting) will likely be irrelevant if your goal is indoor dungeon crawling due to space constraints. Invis for quality of life and FD are definite perks, but not “perky” enough in my book if dungeon crawling is gonna be your jam.

Lull, root, self heals/buffs … the list favoring paladins over the other 2 tanks in this regard is long. Sk’s can heal through taps but the fact that paladins can heal themselves out of combat between fights is big.

Played well and with good fortune (and a set of charisma crap to swap in) and you should never need to engage more than 1 mob at a time. If you accidentally get 2, can always root one while you finish the other or root em all and camp/relog.

Paladins are fun.

Either knight will work fine.

Warrior is not an option unless heroically twinked carrying potions and hunting near the zone line (ie not crawling). Even then, the ability to do so will fall off hard once you reach the middling to mid-high levels.

Toxigen 10-05-2023 02:25 PM

Warrior gets marginally better at 50 w/ truncheon but its still a terrible slog.

Paladood is the way.

Troxx 10-05-2023 02:37 PM

Even with Truncheon I would be leary of doing any actual dungeon crawling at those levels. Having a fungi and/or velious clicky bp certainly helps. Toe to toe should be able to take singles or maybe easy doubles with full health but …

1) runners (relying on snare proc)
2) adds
3) relying on trunch proc
4) multiple mob rooms

Dungeon crawling a warrior is a masochistic endeavor :p

I solo’d quite a lot on my warrior all the way up to and including 60 but the higher I got the more I had to be extremely selective with my zones and location within zones … always having a zone line within reach to bail to as needed.

When I think dungeon crawling I think actually diving deep though. Once you hit the 40s, those indoor dungeons get a lot less forgiving for a class that has no cc, no ability to “pause” the fight (root etc), no effective way of splitting clumps of mobs, and fairly limited self-health recovery.

I carried a fungi on my warrior until getting my clicky velious heal bp and giving my fungi back to my monk … before later selling it to finance something along the way. I wear a Vindi bp now but still carry my thurg bp around for self healing.

Toxigen 10-05-2023 03:12 PM

Monk isn't too bad for solo as well. Not sure if that was on OP's radar or not. Far more effective on a budget than paladin (narandi crown is expensive for some and that is pretty much a must-have). IFS + Fungi + Seahorse + HP and good to go. Epic MQ later if you wanna get saucy.

I enjoyed doing mine, LDCs are the ole reliable XP 55-60.

Troxx 10-05-2023 03:37 PM

Yeah a monk (especially with fungi and all the toys) makes for an excellent dungeon crawler. The ability to FD and mend (but mostly FD), superior avoidance, and dramatically superior dps more than makes up for the lack of a spell book and the utility that goes with it.

Depending on the camp or circumstances, a comparably geared paladin will have an easier go of it … mostly thanks to root and lull.

Jimjam 10-05-2023 04:08 PM

Paladin feels best, but monk is very good at the soloing side since it has such easily available clicky haste / killer weapons.

Originally Posted by Toxigen (Post 3650718)
Warrior gets marginally better at 50 w/ truncheon but its still a terrible slog.

Paladood is the way.

Truncheon and Runed Blade are a good combo to attrition stuff down. Especially if you can pop evasive or chug a few heal pots.

I found the combo is enough to solo Knight of Sathir in just planar gear!

I have a pipe dream to replace the runed blade with a sword of rile but it is very rare I log in to raid.

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