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mostbitter 08-22-2012 01:38 AM

Petition to add member cap to guilds
We had this same problem on the VZ/TZ server. One mega guild formed and griefed any potential competitors off of the box. The solution was to put a cap of 40 members per guild. The result was the box had ample pvp and a community that would still be playing and growing today had extenuating circumstances not occurred.

Here we are today with the same problem on red 99. One massive mega guild that dwarfs all competitors, forcing them to fail and then absorbing their left over players who stuck around after everyone else realized how hopeless the situation was.

I think this would be an incredible thing for this server, it would promote diversity and encourage more pvp encounters.

With the other changes which have occurred recently I think this needs to get put on the list.

JenJen 08-22-2012 01:56 AM

an alliance of the goodies vs the baddies is what is needed!

mostbitter 08-22-2012 02:01 AM

allied and the same guild are not the same thing, it did happen on vz/tz and my dick shoots pure gold

Smedy 08-22-2012 03:29 AM

We had zerg guild issues on VZTZ at some points in time to. Capping the guild size only ended up with people creating different guilds and simply "not attacking" these other guilds.

Everyone use voice communication now days for communication so GC isn't really a thing that's needed.

This won't solve the core issue. The only way to properly do this is to have GM's policing how many people are playing together, and you hear how stupid that sounds, it would never work.

There's way to beating the zerg, if you manage to cut the zergs flow of loots for only a week, it usually falls apart from within.

Dullah 08-22-2012 03:44 AM

Would be a good feature.

We anticipated less members returning, and more new players on the server. Rectifying the situation. Expect more free agents.

heartbrand 08-22-2012 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Dullah (Post 711709)
Would be a good feature.

We anticipated less members returning, and more new players on the server. Rectifying the situation. Expect more free agents.

I hate to say I told you so but ummm..... I told you so.

Supreme 08-22-2012 09:49 AM

Wtf is this bullshit.

You asshats are crying about a guild that has an active member base..

I guarantee if you cry babies were in a Holocaust guild with a 40 man active roster you would not say jackshit.

heartbrand 08-22-2012 09:57 AM

Actually despite many issues with loz that at least for me made it unplayable, one of the positives there was the server "self-policed" itself to make sure one guild didn't get too big. In CNP people would want to join and in vent I'd hear "we'd kill the server if we added player x it would just get dumb." Holocaust and FF also did not zerg invite here, that's the main reason they lost, they did not want to just invite any breathing body <caugh> rikimeru eximo sassy advisor rhotic etc etc, but instead wanted a smaller tight knit group o skilled players so the sever wouldn't get dumb.

When I tried hard to make a holocaust FF merge the one theme I heard more than any other was that it would make the server stupid because after a week of denying loots to the many blue outcasts in nihilum they would quit the server and the pop would die.

hijinks 08-22-2012 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by heartbrand (Post 711795)
Actually despite many issues with loz that at least for me made it unplayable, one of the positives there was the server "self-policed" itself to make sure one guild didn't get too big. In CNP people would want to join and in vent I'd hear "we'd kill the server if we added player x it would just get dumb." Holocaust and FF also did not zerg invite here, that's the main reason they lost, they did not want to just invite any breathing body <caugh> rikimeru eximo sassy advisor rhotic etc etc, but instead wanted a smaller tight knit group o skilled players so the sever wouldn't get dumb.

When I tried hard to make a holocaust FF merge the one theme I heard more than any other was that it would make the server stupid because after a week of denying loots to the many blue outcasts in nihilum they would quit the server and the pop would die.

I agree with you on a lot of points HB, but on this one I have to disagree. Holocaust mass recruited towards the end of their stay here on Red99, and at times had more than even Nihilum online depending on the time of the day. It was too little too late.

I really don't understand it, it appears to me that if 120 people are online and 30 of them are nihilum, wtf are the other 90 people doing? Is there really not one capable person skilled enough and have enough leadership to create a real threat or opposing force? I still think FF had the best shot at it, and it saddens me to see them still playing that LoZ box when the population is maybe 40 single players at best.

heartbrand 08-22-2012 11:04 AM

Here's a typical "let's merge/ally vs nihilum" conversation.

Me: We should merge or ally, we could get phat l3wtz and have fun PVP vs nihilum.

Typical_Small_Guild_Leader: I don't like player X in your guild.

Me: Hmm... I'm sure we could hammer that issue out if it hinges on it.

Typical_Small_Guild_Leader: We want loot to be done X and we want a lot of it.

Me: Umm ok...

Typical_Small_Guild_Leader: We also don't like Player Y either, do something about him too.

Me: Right...

Typical_Small_Guild_Leader: Player Z... ya forgot to mention him he's a big issue too.

Me: Ok...

Typical_Small_Guild_Leader: And we're just doing this for X weeks because we are a small group of friends, not looking for anything big we can do stuff on our own soon.

Me: Wow ok quite a list of demands I think we can work through it though.

Typical_Small_Guild_Leader: Actually nevermind we're not interested thanks though.

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