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Gustoo 04-04-2022 10:14 PM

Original VP players?
I was just perusing this map

and noticing all of the zone-outs to various places.

Did the first people exploring these dungeons just send some random guild member into these caves and the guy is like "ahh fuck im in freeport" and the whole guild just says "RIP, ranger"

Or whoever they would send as fodder into random holes in a dungeon?

I get the feeling a lot of P99 players did not make it to veeshans peak in 2000 since most people didn't, but maybe there is someone here that can recollect what it was like crawling through these uber zones when no one had ever done it yet.

Solist 04-04-2022 11:19 PM

Developers and gm’s and guides were all in top guilds. We had info already when it came to VT, luclin development etc. The same was true for kunark and velious.

Gustoo 04-05-2022 11:25 AM


Kelendil_Arclight 04-05-2022 03:46 PM

TMO (The Mystical Order) went in first, and was closely followed by IB (Inglourious Basterds). Scoring kills on the very first day. I think there was a roll on who would get to kill which dragon on opening day, so we were assigned our requisite targets. The only dragon I remember being particularly troublesome at first was Sontalak. Almost everything else went down fairly quickly within a few days. I recall the opening ceremony with everyone at the dungeon gate including GMs and guides with their unique GM weapons which looked pretty cool.

As time went on it was a typical race for FTE which became very heated and competitive forcing us to adopt some very innovative and interesting (at least to me) tactics some of which were some of the coolest things I've seen in EQ yet, including moving our entire raid force to an area that was essentially unaccessible and not forseen by the GMs which caused them to eventually ban using the location.

Overall it was a lot of fun. Phara Dar was a loot pinata, but I stopped playing my warrior just before it was my turn to loot a crown. Ahh well whatever.

But to really answer your question our leadership had pretty good intel on the ins and outs of the dungeon well before we went in. All that was left was to fine tune the individual engagements.

Gustoo 04-05-2022 04:15 PM

Thanks for sharing Kelendil Arclight. I really meant what it was like to do this in the year 2000 not on project 1999.

There must have been one server with a top guild that went into the zone fully blind, seeing insanely uber items for the very first time before loot tables were even known or speculated about.

getsome 04-05-2022 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Kelendil_Arclight (Post 3443136)
TMO (The Mystical Order) went in first, and was closely followed by IB (Inglourious Basterds).

lol a bit hazy on the memory, it was TR not IB.

zeelot and I rolled for picks, i won the roll and picked pd first and ended up with sw and xygoz or druushkk,

tmo got hosh, nexona, and whatever one we did not get.

neither guild got into vp first, as it was closed when kunark came out. TR had 50 keys in guild before any other guild had one.

when it was finally opened, both guilds went in, killed there respective targets from the random and rotated contented inside VP except for one week, when TR reformed into IB. then we rotated vp again until I went fishing.

Zeelot 04-06-2022 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by getsome (Post 3443170)
lol a bit hazy on the memory, it was TR not IB.

zeelot and I rolled for picks, i won the roll and picked pd first and ended up with sw and xygoz or druushkk,

tmo got hosh, nexona, and whatever one we did not get.

neither guild got into vp first, as it was closed when kunark came out. TR had 50 keys in guild before any other guild had one.

when it was finally opened, both guilds went in, killed there respective targets from the random and rotated contented inside VP except for one week, when TR reformed into IB. then we rotated vp again until I went fishing.

Pretty much! A little bit of chaos ensued after that.

Pint 04-06-2022 08:42 AM

Sontalak eh? Memory more then a little hazy

jijii 04-12-2022 10:41 AM

My experience isn't exactly what you're referring to here (I don't think), but I'll share anyhow. I wasn't a part of any of the the "firsts" on P99, and have always been a super casual player here. Also this will be pretty sparse / random / sporadic, as these are now 20+ year old memories.

Back in original classic I was in Legacy of Steel on The Nameless server for about a year, mostly during the Kunark era, with a bit of overlap into Velious. We were the "uber guild" on that server so I got to be a part of a couple world firsts, and a bunch of server firsts. (Quick tangent: Nameless was an "iron fist" server where one guild held the vast majority of the content. I had a buddy that played on Karana back in classic and that server had at least some semblance of a rotation worked out for some of the content. Looking back I like how each server had it's own spin on how the game / community would play out.)

One of the world firsts I was a part of was reaching the final island of Sky. Unsurprisingly, for anyone that's been to Sky then or since, my most visceral memory from this experience was island 6. We didn't have any fancy strategies (how could we at that point), so we had tanks on all the bees on the island and were just man fighting that shit. In a way this played into LoS' strengths which were: a BUNCH of decked out warriors and clerics. But, once those bees started splitting, it was utter pandemonium. We must of wiped 50 times. I remember at the time I worked at a dial-up ISP doing tech support, and I would play EQ from work most of the time (as we had a T1) and I distinctly remember being at work playing when we were tackling sky -- I stayed there after work, played all through the evening, all through the night / morning. Never left work that night and the next morning I put loopback plugs in the inbound call lines (which gave everyone a fast busy :grimacing:) and slept on the couch.

By my recollection, there were 3 guilds that cleared VP *before* Velious launched: Fires of Heaven, Afterlife, and us (Legacy of Steel). But we finished VP during Kunark just *barely*. The roadblock for us was honestly Trakanon, so we were way late in the game on getting keyed up. Like I alluded to earlier, Legacy was really built on a stable of warriors and clerics. The roster wasn't that big by P99's raid guild roster standards (which are honestly just absolutely insane and pretty much turns the raiding scene here into an entirely different thing altogether than what the classic scene was like, with the sheer number of 60s camped across the map), but I want to say we had *maybe* 3-4 wizards, and at the time it was the prevailing sentiment that you really wanted more wizards for some of this Kunark era content, especially Trak who would just melt our tank and spank raid. Gotta remember, there's no voice comms, the overwhelming majority of people are on dial-up with 300-400+ pings. I was playing a cleric at this time and I remember feeling like Trakanon was absolutely hopeless. People - myself included - were getting aced before I could get a single heal off. In particular I remember we had a warrior named Glubgawd who would always bite my head off for not keeping him alive lol. Cleric life was rough back then man. Probably the most excited I can remember guildchat being was when we *finally* broke through on Trak. By the time we had our first keys, FoH and AL were already a good way through VP. As far as VP itself is concerned, I think the most interesting detail I recall is in how we approached VP vs how it's done on here. Namely that, we crawled through the zone. Oh I also remember VP being a completely "GM enforcement-less" zone on The Nameless, and the entire raid erupting into obscenities and ridiculousness in /shout. We were... children lol. I've got some old screenshots on a hard drive in a closet from some of those VP raids that I should dig out sometime.

Oh another random memory from the Kunark era -- I was in a somewhat steady xp / exploration group with Ariel, Tigole, Daelomin, and a couple others that I can't remember, in HS/Charasis. We were spending our time in East trying to get a drop from Drussella that we thought was the "key" to defeating Venril Sathir. I like these kinds of memories because it highlights the unknown elements of the game. This was before we knew about using rune to combat VS' lifetap. But most interestingly from those grouping sessions was seeing the a few members of the group bantering / discussion game design and mechanics. It ultimately turned out that there was a contingent of LoS members (mostly members that were *previously* in a guild I believe called Stormreavers? I could be misremembering that. It was a guild that was led by Ariel that competed with LoS before Kunark, but ultimately ended up mostly folding into / joining LoS -- Ariel then ended up leading LoS after our original leader Draed deleted his character and stepped down -- [later returning as a regular member on an SK, named Oogtug or something, I think]) that were working at Blizzard and more specifically working on the WoW project. One of our members was an artist for Blizzard and would do these fucking incredibly guild forum avatars for members. Thorax I think? Anyways, I remember being in those groups and thinking it was odd how in depth they liked to talk about certain mechanics or design decisions.

One of my last memories was the world first Avatar of War, which I guess was a disputed claim across servers, as we used dominated giants that ended up getting patched out before the other uber guilds could use the same mechanic. Still, though, LoS ended up being one of a very small number of guilds across servers to kill the AoW *before* Luclin expac came out. I pretty much quit raiding somewhere during Velious, and then I quit playing EQ entirely when Luclin came out.

Oh one random last memory: one of our enchanters, Saldor, dominating Sirran the Lunatic in Sky and killing the OOA in like 4 seconds or something insane. Pretty sure they also patched that out :)

And to something that was mentioned earlier about how people figured stuff out... it's a combination of things. On the one hand, I definitely distinctly remember there being rumors about some of the members being devs or somehow otherwise "connected" individuals who had information about quests or encounters. That was a very real thing. But I also remember A LOT of trial and error, wiping, and being a part of explorative / suicide mission information gathering groups. I have a lot of fond memories of those sorts of things in particular. I guess the closest allegory we have to that on here is people trying to figure out new ways to "win the meta" though most of that relates to artificial circumstances in our raid scene. It's a bit of a bummer that you can't reclaim all of that early magic, but, ah well. This server and community are still fucking amazing at large. I remember logging in on P99 for the first time and it "felt" like what I remembered EQ feeling like, and you really can't hope to do better than that.

Oh and shout out to my mate Shepherd, who worked with me at that ISP, helped me get into LoS, and kept a steady supply of hot pockets (hork) and rum and pepsi's (coke was too expensive) coming while I was locked into these ridiculous 3am raiding sessions :)

Gustoo 04-12-2022 11:34 AM

That’s exactly the kind of experience I was hoping to see shared. Thank you jijii

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