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Somekid123 07-12-2014 04:57 PM

Platinum Making guide for low / new players here!
Tips from Andain on how to possibly make a lil plat + exp 20ish-40ish. You 50+ can take advantage of these camps too I suppose!

I'd imagine a lot of players know about these ways of going about earning some Plat, I do see a lot of people in /ooc asking how to, it usually ends up with me asking there level/class and trying to put them in the right spot, here is a handful of ideas off the top of my head.

Class Specific: Druids & Wizards! Even at level 29 you can be making some decent plat, I think ideally 34+ is better if I remember right as to which group ports you get [Don't druids/wizards only get 1 continent based spells at 29?]

/ooc is serverwide use is to your advantage, go bind in Overthere and start advertising pickups. OT sucks to run out of and majority of porters don't want to run all the way there from Dreadlands to pick you up, you'll also find a lot of higher end players / guilds [Azrael / Nihilum] have OT hammers. Once again they'll see you mentioning you are bound in OT they'll OT hammer over to you and get a pickup.

As of lately the way the server has been CoM is still continueing to be a leveling hotspot for 40-52ish players even with specific players I wont name griefing the hell out that zone. I commonly log in to see people requesting ports out all the time and willing to tip/donate!

ADD: If you are 39+ you can also bind around KC and offer evac's out to Emerald Jungle / Skyfire, if someone wants a port out of OT or EJ you now have a port to get to both zones.

Next is getting some exp in while you quad! I did spectres [ ] around 40-42ish when they start to turn dark blue [I believe they are 37-39ish?] I found they have lesser hps and resists then average mobs there level and they drop a few plat + Scythes that vendor for 10-12 plat. You can also collect the words/runes they drop to sell to researchers. A common place is Oasis there is beta-neutral vendors there at gypse camp you can vendor too, I recommend carrying Batwings to levitate around here due to the island they are on. I did them in OOT [4 Spawn that come either 2 at once or 4 at once] where I would also do Batwings. If you are here in low 40's you will be more safe in general due to +/- 4 pvp range and majority of zone is 50+ doing seafurys. You can vendor to the merchants on sister isle [Unless evil] or bind there and port out to sell.

We also have hill giants! There is a plethora of them in rathe mountains [ ] they drop up to I believe 35-60ish plat, a shit ton of gold / silver / copper. If you are a fellow druid/wizard I recommend binding here, doing a quad or 2 and then porting to a local bank [Druids port to Misty Thicket for quick RV bank, wizards port to G-Fay for quick Gfay/Felwithe Bank] to put your plat away of course! We are on a pvp server! While doing this came I suggest /who every so often to be aware of your surroundings.


For the level 18-28ish [And slightly higher if you choose] we are going to Paineel. [ ]. This is very dependant on whether the guards like you are not. I don't know what race/class/deity it takes to be at least Dubiously here but ideally you want Apprehensively, if you are Dubiously this will work if you have some form of Faction Song / Spell [Enchanter / Bard] or you have Sneak [Halflings + other classes]

Here we have a bunch of undead guards, they start out at about level 15 I believe and go upwards towards 25ish maybe 27/28. When you kill the guards here they give ZERO faction hits towards good or bad! Its like killing a rat it doesn't matter they'll still lub you! When you kill them they drop a sword that vendors for 2.5 and a shield that vendors for 3.5 [I may have those #'s a bit off but close enough] every kill!! The best part is if the town likes you, like I previously said, you can kill/level off the guards and vendor there swords/shields to the merchants then go right around the corner and bank that plat! I did this on my druid back when Pro99 released, I think I stayed til 34 when I got Drones of Doom.

To get in the city I believe you'll need to be amiably, you go to the guards and say "Give me da keyz" to get the key to go down the elevator. If you don't have high enough faction to get the key but are above scowl/threateningly and choose to do this, just have a pal make a level 1 and get you in the city, it'll suck if you die cause you'll need to have him make a level 1 again to let you in to CR but just scope out the city, you'll find your safe points to pull to.

This is classic, guards start giving negative faction in Luclin and is intended to stay this way, yahoo!!

For the level 25-35ish we are going to Highhold Keep! [ ]. Killing here will ruin your Freeport faction [I believe EFP/WFP] & possibly some Qeynos maybe someone can chime in on this faction question.

Here damn near every guard drops a Fine Steel Short Sword every kill, with the acception of a couple cheapie guards who drop a rusty that you can avoid. It vendors for about 3.5-5 plat [Depends on your Charisma] and they drop a couple plat per kill also, along with plenty of words! It gets even better, there is a beta-neutral [Meaning he is Indifferent to everyone] vendor you can sell swords to named Krystalle Corsair [ ]. There is 4 levels here, the higher you go up the higher level the guards are, I'd say floor 1-2 is about 25-29ish, 3rd/4th floor there is 30-34ish guards.

Now for the slightly more difficult part depending on your level / race / class.
There is a banker in the zone who is level 25 and has a roamer guard who is level 34. You can harmony them and right click to bank by going around the corner of her, you can use Sneak to get up behind her, or Feign Death. The alternative I used on my shaman was to kill the guards around her, then go up to her and right click to bank, yes she will be beating on you but even with agro you can still use your banking abilitys on her. Right click, bank plat, slay! She respawns as fast as the other guards so you can do it everytime.


For the 34ish + we have Minotaur Hero! [][/url] Drops quest reward for Hero Bracers, he does not cast or have anything special, pure melee mob [ ] which sells for about 500-800, at times I seen it for 1k if demand is high enough. Its simple as clearing out the minotaurs in Steamfont cave, they can trigger Minotaur Hero who will spawn straight out near the hill from cave entry. The Mino's are only a 10min repop, ive gotten it to pop fairly quick at times. Loot the Mintaur Hero Shackles, run/port to South Qeynos, go under the arena and turn it into Grahan Rothkar [ ]. You can bypass the rest of the quest that leads up to it, its un-needed dialog, unless your one of those odd balls who enjoys the storylines, har har. - Just an fyi you'll need to be a goodie in order to do this quest, unless you have Sneak you can turn it in behind him. If you really wanted to go the extra step to do the quest as an evil, make a level 1 gnome, camp it out at the caves and have him loot the No Drop quest piece. Get it, have a druid port you to NK and try to run across the Karanas, lot of effort but does pay off if you have no other means of making plat.


Level 20 camp: A Froglok Squire level 17 [ ], he rarely drops Runed Bone Fork a 10 MR / Fire / Cold range for melees minus Paladin/Monk. Ive seen this go anywhere from 300-1k, I think 500-700 is a fair price, it all depends on how the market is at the time.


Level 13-14ish camp: Lesser Faydark bandit camp, commonly refered to as Bandit Sister Camp [ # 14 on the map]

There is 4 sisters here, I believe 2 are solo pulls and 2 others always tag along together. They drop uncommon - commonly Bronze Weapons which vendor for higher amount of gold, sometimes at least 1 plat. There is vendors in the zone if you are of good race [ Refer to #10 on map ] I would recommend running back to G-Fay/Felwithe/Ak`Anon to vendor your plat/gold every so often and to /who to be aware who is around you, watchout for dat pk!


Level 20+ camp, I suggest 35+ to make it efficient is Instant Invis vs. Animal ring. This ring is wanted by all enchanters / bards, it allows you to instantly break charm. It drops off a mob in Lake of Ill Omen called A sarnak courier [ ] There is a partial guide on the following link I provided to camping it, I know from experience that this mob has about 7-8 spawn points, all of which the spawn points are if I remember right 47 seconds? The guide shows it being 1 min, so around there.

The ring it drops can be incredibly rare ive camped 2 on blue [Before red99 came out of course!] one took me about 6-8 hours, another took 2 hours and then I had a bard pal who got his in 30 mins. From what ive seen here the ring use to go for about 10k, ive seen the last few sell for 5-8k, what you get is going to be based on supply/demand at the time, while writing this thread I see one going for 7k for last few hours with no bites.

I suggest this for a pet class / melee class due to the super fast respawn you can just smack it away and not be dependent on having to nuke it down, eventually having to med for every kill will catch up to you and not make it as fast.

I've seen people aoe the area trying to keep down multiple spawn points, I did it on my monk and just sat on 1 spawn point due to laziness and not wanting to run around to a bunch of spawn points and possibly have 1 roam away. If you plan on playing in windows mode to read pro99 rants and flames, watch porn or whatever it is you choose to do while farming this I suggest /sit on spawn point and turning your sound up once you found the PH spot, this way when it spawns it'll hit you and you'll hear it telling you to stop fapping and start killing!


16-20 Camp, single spawn point is a bit time invested: An Erudite Madman [ ] I hear he is a 2 hour respawn with about 90% chance of PH spawning but this was only from 1 person so you'll have to do your own research, Anyways he can drop 1 ac 5 "Specific" resist earring [Magic/Fire/Cold/Disease/Poison] if you are lucky enough to get an Earring of Magic Reflection ive seen these sell for 3-5k, more so around the 3500 range. Be a good mob to check out as your taking the boat through. The only alternative to sellable MR earrings off top of my head is Earring of Essence which is Lore so you obviously cant wear 2 at once.


ADD: Thanks to rivalxl - Level 25ish we have 2 mobs that are 6min respawn that drop swords that vendor for about 11-12 plat. They drop a sword everytime! Larisa Gelrith [ ] and Ascania Halvbin [ ]. I am told they both come together at once so be ready unless you have harmony/lull. Killing them will lower your faction with G-Fay/Felwithe type NPC's and raise it with Orc, this is ideally an evil camp. Downside of this spot is you have no local banker, you'll have to gate/port/boat out, if you want to take the chance you can vendor them to the mage spell vendor who is beta neutral.


ADD: Thanks to Tewaz - 35+ camp Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring, its instant click Grim Aura must equip to use all/all at level 15, great for putting in first 2 slots when getting dispelled. The earring goes for 2500-3500. This camp will take you to Warslick Woods [ ] I suggest going to # 1 on map link provided. The earring drops off Grachnist the Destroyer [ ] who can spawn in any place of all goblins, can be more then 1 up at a time. Earring is an uncommon drop ive gotten one in about 30mins, sometimes it took 3-4 hours it just varies. I had a pal who got 2 earrings back to back, maybe that could be you!


ADD: Thanks to Bones - This camp is 19+ [I recommend 21ish + due to blue cons giving less resists and from what I hear these guys have slightly high MR] for Gargoyle who drop eyes, 0-2 per kill that vendor for roughly 10 plat each, they stack which means you can leave with a bag full before having to vendor/bank, which is good considering plat here is coinable. Unless someone else is camping the gargoyles you are not very likely to run into someone in your range wanting to pvp you since this zone consist mostly of 45+ people camping Seafurys/Spectres. At the core of this island is 4 spectres who will destroy you at the appropriate level to farm these but there is plenty of room to avoid them. You can refer to [ ] for camp, refer to #7 for isle with camp and #10 for where Butcherblock boat brings you in. If your class is capable of levitating I suggest bringing plenty of batwings since the zone is mostly ocean. I do not have any personal experience with camping these gargoyle's so if anyone would like to PM/Reply with experience please do so, ill add it here + credit your name for the camp!


BIG ADD: Thanks to Barackobooama on Page #6, Copy/Paste inc!: For players levels 4-12 in the Qeynos/Everfrost/Erudin areas:
Since there's usually no one around to buy your pelts and bone chips, here were some ways I made some decent starter money out in Qeynos area.

Qeynos Hills:

Hadden: this guy spawns in front of the little shack on the lake and drops the fishbone earring about half the time. You won't be able to kill him at this level (probably need to be 30ish) but you can tell a higher level that he's up and maybe get a thank you reward. TIP: If he's holding a fishing pole, he does not have the earring.

Pyzgin: She's a very rare spawn that you pretty much have to follow the guide to get her to spawn. She's level 13 and an undercon since she has a pet and some nasty necro spells for the level. She drops the glowing black stone worth a few thousand plat.

The rabid grizzly in Qeynos Hills is around level 8 (but hits like he's 10-12). Kill him and turn in his putrid pelt in North Qeynos (in the UFO) to Priestess Caulria. She gives you 2pp, 1gp, 1sp and an Endure Disease scroll that vendors for another 2pp. She also casts cure disease on you getting rid of rabies if you have it. Even better, it seems to have a very high drop rate of grizzly bear skins (needed for bearskin potion bags and Leatherfoot Raider Skullcap quest) and HQ bear skins (tailors need to make 10 slot backpacks) and also low and medium quality pelts that can be used for leather padding or other recipes.

There are two rabid wolves (levels 3-5) that each drop a putrid pelt for another 2pp each. Also, once Priestess Caulria is amiable to you (priests of life faction - so gnoll fang turn ins as well as pelt turn ins increase faction with her) she will accept the fleshy orb that drops off the wolves. She gives you about 15 gold for this! So each 6-10 minute respawn round you've gotten almost 10pp and a good chance at a high value pelt! Great money at low level.

Over by the entrance to blackburrow one of the wandering spawns is either a regular gnoll (get those teeth!) or a gnoll hunter. He drops 1/2 of a staff needed for the Jagged Pine Crook Staff quest. Over along the hill by the Surefall Glades zoneline (lake side) is another spawn location for a wandering hunter. The staff pieces are lore so many times you'll need to kill several to get the two different parts. When you turn them in you get a Druid/Ranger staff that's a little better than a start weapon (only vendors for like 6 silver) but you also get between about 2-9pp! Definitely worth checking for hunters between rabid animal spawns.

Surefall Glade:

Here is the quest that I mentioned above.

If you happen to be in SFG turning in a crook. Go kill a poacher or two and turn in their heads for some gold. If one of them is a gnoll poacher, you can turn that in for a 13/51 bow that vendors for a couple plat or a great starter bow for a new ranger.

Since you're in SFG talk to the bard Silvina Lutewhisper and do the mail delivery quest to Qeynos (since you're probably going to go back there anyway). I got about 1pp for delivering it.

Since you're in the area, check all the vendors for polar bear skins. They are used in the leatherfoot raider skullcap quest as well. You can get them off of polar bears (there's about 3 spawns out in the Everfrost hills) or the polar bear cubs (level 2) but at a much lower drop rate.

There are a lot of sharks (around level 12) in the harbor. This is the best place to farm shark skins which are also needed for the leatherfoot raider skullcap.

After you start getting long in the tooth for blackburrow, you can start killing wisps and saving their lightstones and greater lightstones. Take them to North Karanas and turn them in at the gypsy camp. They give a lot of experience in the teens and the greater lightstones gets you a concordance of research that you can vendor to the quest giver for 10pp each! The quest is below.

In the Karanas you can also kill bandits for their sashes and turn them in back in Qeynos. You get a good amount of gold, experience and a bronze weapon which will fetch you a few more plat each!

Killing the rabid animals and doing the above quests over and over, I was able to afford bags, all my spells, and pet reagents which I would have not been able to otherwise.


Of course expect pvp at these camps, some more then others depending on time of day. If you are not of appropriate class to do these, bring some friends or groups! As a friendly reminder the server has a 50% exp bonus with an additional 40% per group member, a 6 man group has a 290% exp bonus, chase that exp and plat at the same time!

Anything I recall to help out new player base with starting camps i'll add to here. If anyone else would like to throw some ideas out there please reply and i'll add it to front page of my thread.

Yes I know this isn't written very well, just something I threw together. Please try to keep this out RnF and your troll replys to yourself!

- Andain

Yumyums Inmahtumtums 07-12-2014 05:17 PM

Goog thread

BeautBabeC 07-12-2014 05:45 PM

Treants in SK is a good spot for cash around 30 too. Think about 12 per kill + chance as FS staff that sells for what 15ish?

Kergan 07-12-2014 07:03 PM

In b4 Colgate TLDR

Good guide.

Boxten 2.0 07-12-2014 08:16 PM

Useful thread. Thanks!

Tradesonred 07-12-2014 08:35 PM

Best advice i can think of from someone who isnt even that good at EQ

Be nice on the forums, someone will give you starter spell money

Dont ever stop to farm for money loot, just level up, the value of stuff you run across as you level up goes up exponentially (duh)

Just think about that, how to min max the speed it will take you to get to like 52+

Once youre high lvl u can get any kind of coin way way faster than if u tried doing that at level 20 or whatev.


If you really intend on doing it without any help, farm the minimal amount u need for spells

rivalxl 07-13-2014 03:03 PM

You forgot about the sisters in OOT.

Larisa Gelrith and Ascania Halvbin are around level 25 and always drop a long sword that drops for 11 or 12 plat a pop. They come as a pair unless you have harmony, lull, etc. Very good money for the level, even better than the spectres since it is a guaranteed drop.

Feniggles 07-13-2014 03:43 PM

nice post andain

Tewaz 07-13-2014 05:17 PM

Around 35 a pet class can camp Grachnist the Destroyer in WW for his earring. It sells for 2500-3500.

Lyzard 07-14-2014 05:41 AM

Super thread

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