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poxxy 12-04-2023 09:12 PM

Twinked warrior approaching 50, have weapon questions
My twinked gnome warrior is getting close to 50. This is the most fun class I've ever played, so I'm making him my main and taking him all the way to 60. I'm on Blue.

I'm currently using SBoZ and BoC. They've served me well and I love the stats, but I've been doing some reading and I'm wondering if I should swap them out. A little bit about my play style: I solo most of the time, and I don't raid.

I've read that 2-handers will out-DPS dual wield setups of the same tier by a decent margin. Since I don't raid, I would only be looking at droppables. Is it worth it to lose all the stats to switch to a Reaver or Herbalist Spade?

I've also read that at 50 I should switch over to ToD and Blood Points for soloing. I know that ToD is a must, but are Blood Points superior to my DW setup or to a 1:1 ratio 2-hander?

This is my first melee, I appreciate any pointers you can offer.

Crede 12-04-2023 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by poxxy (Post 3664726)
My twinked gnome warrior is getting close to 50. This is the most fun class I've ever played, so I'm making him my main and taking him all the way to 60. I'm on Blue.

I'm currently using SBoZ and BoC. They've served me well and I love the stats, but I've been doing some reading and I'm wondering if I should swap them out. A little bit about my play style: I solo most of the time, and I don't raid.

I've read that 2-handers will out-DPS dual wield setups of the same tier by a decent margin. Since I don't raid, I would only be looking at droppables. Is it worth it to lose all the stats to switch to a Reaver or Herbalist Spade?

I've also read that at 50 I should switch over to ToD and Blood Points for soloing. I know that ToD is a must, but are Blood Points superior to my DW setup or to a 1:1 ratio 2-hander?

This is my first melee, I appreciate any pointers you can offer.

Bloodpoints good until 55. 55-60 you might just want to use Tod and the best 2h you can get(I had the KT axe). Your dw setup is overkill 50+ your options dwindle unfortunately finding singles are more important than anything make sure to keep bind wound leveled up for 210 @57.

I did a dwarf dex solo build and gave up at 57 and grouped until 60 having no cc and root net nerf/combat bind wound nerf made war life much harder I had the spade too I wouldn’t bother with it.

Not sure if that helped lol but reaver will prob still do similar dps as your 1h you will just lose some solid stats but if you need money for other things its prob worth just getting a reaver/narandi lance and focusing on other stuff if you’re planning to gear war.

poxxy 12-05-2023 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Crede (Post 3664727)
Bloodpoints good until 55. 55-60 you might just want to use Tod and the best 2h you can get(I had the KT axe). Your dw setup is overkill 50+ your options dwindle unfortunately finding singles are more important than anything make sure to keep bind wound leveled up for 210 @57.

I did a dwarf dex solo build and gave up at 57 and grouped until 60 having no cc and root net nerf/combat bind wound nerf made war life much harder I had the spade too I wouldn’t bother with it.

Not sure if that helped lol but reaver will prob still do similar dps as your 1h you will just lose some solid stats but if you need money for other things its prob worth just getting a reaver/narandi lance and focusing on other stuff if you’re planning to gear war.

Hey thanks, it definitely helped. I'll avoid the spade and maybe just get a reaver then to compare. It's a shame that there aren't any solid droppable 2-handers with comparable stats like that KT axe. I've read that people recommend buying loot rights, but I haven't had any luck.

Jimjam 12-05-2023 03:52 AM

I think bloodpoints is Kunark era advice and your current set up is better. ToD is useful as you may take a full evasive duration to kill xp mobs 51+. If you can get a spade - great! It has decent 2h ratio and a useful proc.

I like to keep an emergency stash of pale green potions on a soloing warrior. You’ll recover from the stun more or less between swings and it helps offset a few unlucky rounds. Imo spending 90 pp on potions occasionally is better than spending the same on a rez and the downtime that comes associated with that.

If you get stuck 57+ you may try LDCs in SoldungB. You should be able
To fight in through batz zoneline, skip nox ph, kill the other pather and then the static spawn by the lava ledge. Once broken into camp you may be able to fit the nox ph into your rotation.

If you plan on soloing keep your bandages stocked (embalmong skinning knife or vendor?) and learn to weave your breaatplate heal with bandages.

Solist 12-05-2023 06:03 AM

Start raiding.

Buy your twink a kriez flame/dagarn tail/silver whip/vyemm club etc. Any combination of any of those will be fine...pretty much forever.

bobjonesp99 12-05-2023 10:34 AM

those weapons are both fine but dont have any threat generating procs.

high end 2h are generally better than 2x 1h for dps (especially lower ac mobs which you will level on), but you have 2 high end 1h (probably on par dps wise with herbalist spade). if you do any grouping, hearbalist spade will really be nice to have since it has a root proc which even if resisted will give you solid threat. truncheon of doom is a lower tier dps weapon, but if you dont have someone slowing mobs for you its gonna be even better all things considered (i.e. slowed mobs will save you big mana and you can kill for longer without breaks).

if you plan on soloing... then you want truncheon of doom + 2 bloodpoints + fungi. for leveling 50-60 its the best solo setup unless you have jaleens and silver whip of rage instead of the bloodpoints. you still want the truncheon of doom; its one of those utility items that all warriors should have in their bags, like a tash stick and a snare whip/spear.

Trelaboon 12-05-2023 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by poxxy (Post 3664726)
My twinked gnome warrior is getting close to 50. This is the most fun class I've ever played, so I'm making him my main and taking him all the way to 60. I'm on Blue.

I'm currently using SBoZ and BoC. They've served me well and I love the stats, but I've been doing some reading and I'm wondering if I should swap them out. A little bit about my play style: I solo most of the time, and I don't raid.

I've read that 2-handers will out-DPS dual wield setups of the same tier by a decent margin. Since I don't raid, I would only be looking at droppables. Is it worth it to lose all the stats to switch to a Reaver or Herbalist Spade?

I've also read that at 50 I should switch over to ToD and Blood Points for soloing. I know that ToD is a must, but are Blood Points superior to my DW setup or to a 1:1 ratio 2-hander?

This is my first melee, I appreciate any pointers you can offer.

Herbalist Spade is really underrated for a Warrior who likes to solo. It basically lets you back up and bandage to 70% if needed. I’d honestly rather use the herbalist spade and keep a skinning knife on me to bandage over blood points. ToD, then spade, back up and bandage if needed. Blood Points are nice but really underwhelming later on. The lack of damage you’re doing just means you end up taking more overall, not to mention the more frequent ripostes. I’d only ever use blood points if a mob was able to summon.

bobjonesp99 12-05-2023 11:40 AM

bloodpoints on an unslowed mob yes. once its slowed though, the fungi+evasive+bloodpoint procs is legit. you should be running evasive on cooldown, and evasive doesnt negatively effect your proc rate (even if it reduced your damage). the offset of a 50% slowed mob, with evasive taking like 25% less damage, and the same regen rate via fungi + procs.... its worthwhile.

Troxx 12-05-2023 12:02 PM

1) Start raiding

2) Buy a cheap Frostreaver.

3). Hoard dkp for red epic, nevs horn offhand, and important raid gear

Frostreaver should be cheap, stellar dps and very strong aggro until you are legit geared

Caveat … I see you are gnome. Can they use it? I know elves cant

Edit: confirmed. Gnomes can use it.

Naethyn 12-05-2023 12:57 PM

I would solo in my 50's by procing silken whip of ensnaring, and then jousting with arrows and a trunch to get it slowed. Then blood points to finish it out. If I had access to a spade I'd probably have tried that.

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