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robayon 06-19-2022 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Jibartik (Post 3471815)

i don't know what this means

Jibartik 06-19-2022 10:18 PM

like people be like

"I will have shitty biden, this economy, and no prospects... rather than trump."

ok cool.. well... Ill take a working economy, no (not less, no) wars. Attempts at peace in the middle east. A trade war with china. Someone try to negotiate the end of the north/south Korean split.... and trump.

Like I hated the guy too, but as far as being president went, compared to all of them he was no different at least, and at best i was very suprised with alot of the things he did, and very pleased with them.

I was less frustrated under trump than I was under Obama, that's for sure.

Obama's whole entire thing was healthcare, and you're like talking about it like trump promised to fix it. Trump wanted to as much as anyone else, atempted to as much as anyone else (except Obama who attempted only that and failed) and accomplished as much as anyone else.

I mean all the shit he was doing, was FINE for a president, nothing any of the others did was any better.

And yet, people act like trump was running around like Caligula.

I remember what I remember, not what you remember, and what I remember I was able to say was a lot better than what I am looking at right now.

robayon 06-19-2022 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Jibartik (Post 3471815)
Im voting for trump in 2024 because I want the establishment to feel the pain they put on others.

As for his policy:

he got us into less wars tahn any prseident in my life (he didn't get us out of the real war: the class war, that he perpetuated and worsened)

he criticized NATO harshly for asking for US tax dollars, that they spent on Russian oil (i know this is a hot issue for you people because tyou thnk biden single handedly is killing putin and that trump would have actually been a russian agent, but in reality that is all a fUCKING STORY AND NOT REAL) (I don't believe the us media on this one either and this is why I stay out of the Ukraine thread except to mock the military, mostly, unless I've done drunk shitposting and forgotten about it)

I believe america won the cold war, not nato. Nato is bullshit, and we never needed it after the cold war ended and it is the reason putin had the money to invade ukraine (before you stop raeding and quote this part stop I already know what whoopie Goldberg thinks) (same as above)

he ended our war in afghanastan (without having peopel fall off airplanes and killing 13 soldeirs) (never should have been there because there's no easy exit anyways, and the dark theory is that the ukraine thing was engineered to cover the dirty afghanistan exit)

he drone stiked high ranking members of the enemy military (something I believe in, I dont like killing people while keeping high ranking members alive) (just creating more future high ranking members of enemy militaries, whether it's generals or soldiers or child soldiers, never should have been there, and while dirty, the best solution may look like another afghanistan exit i guess, becoming world police is a goddamn messy business. yes i know this probably means the kurds get slaughtered someday, our relationship with the kurds has always been deceptive and let's be honest even if i say i like apoism they'd probably shoot a person like me on sight, rightfully)

he lowered costs with china (I know yuo guys dont believe this one either but I know for a fact he did and it was great and the economic boom during him was great for people in my circles, I know in your circles they were not because you live in a fantasy world where trump is a china/russian spy and racism is decided in the white house) (i don't know if that worked, considering the everyday costs that we all face right now, but sure, i guess it depends on what you mean by 'costs'. racism is not 'decided', it is inherent to power as manifested in america, whether it's local or national, it's essentially part of culture here in the south. there does not need to be a racism committee, it's far more insidious than that)

Im sure there are like 10x things more that I cant remember, but I liked trump as president. (i didn't but i've never liked any of them, despite voting for some of them)

I am a huge fan of the abraham accords. (i am personally skeptical as long as the usa and israel are involved, but whatever, we'll see)

I didnt like his covid response, but it was bidens covid policy so that is irrelevant now. (sure okay i think a lot of it has to do with capitalism being the managing principle of american healthcare but that's a different argument)

I dont know much about how he destroyed the environment, Im am told he destroyed the environment, but I have yet to see any evidence other than the tears of liberals. (destruction of the environment predates trump, and just like all of the other presidents, he did little to actually address it because addressing it means addressing capitalism and they don't do that)

Reiwa 06-19-2022 10:24 PM

Stronger Together

Originally Posted by Jibartik (Post 3471815)
he criticized NATO harshly

Jibartik 06-19-2022 10:31 PM


(he didn't get us out of the real war: the class war, that he perpetuated and worsened)
did it worsen because of trump or because of his opponents wanting it to get worse and using trump as an excuse?

I am going with the latter. For a lot of reasons, one is I expect more from them. The fact that they showed they were just as savage showed me that I didn't want to support them either.

I dont hate savagery because its right wing, I hate it because it's savage.


(just creating more future high ranking members of enemy militaries whether it's generals or soldiers or child soldiers, never should have been there, and while dirty, the best solution may look like another afghanistan exit i guess, becoming world police is a goddamn messy business. yes i know this probably means the kurds get slaughtered someday, our relationship with the kurds has always been deceptive and let's be honest even if i say i like apoism they'd probably shoot a person like me on sight, rightfully)
Never should ahve been there? Yeah, but we ahve been, for like 100 years now, so all we can do is work to leave, and taht's what the abraham accords were all about, and tahts what the withdraw from afghanastan was all about, and trump was very actively doing that. But the media wanted us to think that he was provoking terrorists, by killing the guy who starps bombs on kids.

Their is a civil war about to happen in Iran, and trump encouraged it, and if biden did that shit, everyone would be waving little flags infront of their houses like they are for the proxy war biden encouraged with his failed deplomacy and lack of big dick energy.

On top of killing leadership being the way wars should be fought, when trump hit that general with a drone, the russian generals at the border of urkaine went:

One evil man, one evil evil man, killed, and all the war overted because evil leaders are all cowards, and we shame trump for it. We shame him.

200 dead ukraine soldiers a day right now


Im done.

Trump or bust.

(although if he wins in 2024 he might be the antichrist)


(i don't know if that worked, considering the everyday costs that we all face right now, but sure, i guess it depends on what you mean by 'costs'. racism is not 'decided', it is inherent to power as manifested in america, whether it's local or national, it's essentially part of culture here in the south. there does not need to be a racism committee, it's far more insidious than that)
It was working great, china was the evil CCP before the pandemic, and trump was being super agressive with them and they were bending over because we're america and we have a long dick. But then, lebron james got pro CCP the way dennis rodman got all friendly with Kim jong Un, and suddenly the left started buying NIKE like they were saving a kid with he purchase of every pair, instead of being made by one.

So in a way his trade war backfired in that the left suddenly started super hyper supporting the CCP and child labor, and then covid changed everything. So this one Ill call a tie.

Horza 06-19-2022 11:56 PM

Jib off his pills again or just ranting about how everyone who didn't vote for Trump are all Chinese communists for some other reason?

robayon 06-20-2022 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Horza (Post 3471846)
Jib off his pills again or just ranting about how everyone who didn't vote for Trump are all Chinese communists for some other reason?

it's high level discourse :cool:

please take note of our mutual civility

Horza 06-20-2022 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by robayon (Post 3471848)
it's high level discourse :cool:

please take note of our mutual civility

High level discourse like I've heard Trump is anti-environment but all I care about is liberal tears, our species is so screwed.

Jibartik 06-20-2022 12:31 AM

I dont even need trump to be president for your life to be miserable but I will take the bonus.

Horza 06-20-2022 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Jibartik (Post 3471854)
I dont even need trump to be president for your life to be miserable but I will take the bonus.

Gloating to the next generation about how you set the whole planet on fire :p

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