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Sadre Spinegnawer 06-10-2023 02:40 PM

Never get aggro on the named history golem. But, some people are fucking idiots.

Ooloo 06-10-2023 03:11 PM

Man they REALLY hate this guy. It's sort of fascinating.

Put an R next to Biden's name and he'd be going to solitary for his records shenanigans. Ditto for hillary "got dox on my server i think lol" clinton.

Tribalism gonna tribalism

TheBardo 06-10-2023 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Ooloo (Post 3617263)
Man they REALLY hate this guy. It's sort of fascinating.

Put an R next to Biden's name and he'd be going to solitary for his records shenanigans. Ditto for hillary "got dox on my server i think lol" clinton.

Tribalism gonna tribalism

have you even read the indictment?

Ooloo 06-10-2023 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by TheBardo (Post 3617274)
have you even read the indictment?

Yes, yes, I know, it's extra-special bad.

Still, they wanna put him in jail for the rest of his life over this. Don't biden and hillary at least deserve like, a year? Neither of them were even president when they took their respective docs. It's kind of hard to not see the obvious double standard when one party gets life and the other party gets literally no punishment of any kind.

Upholding standards is important, otherwise the people will detect a double standard, lose trust in the institutions, and end up electing a guy like trump in the first place.

TheBardo 06-10-2023 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Ooloo (Post 3617275)
Yes, yes, I know, it's extra-special bad.

Still, they wanna put him in jail for the rest of his life over this. Don't biden and hillary at least deserve like, a year? Neither of them were even president when they took their respective docs. It's kind of hard to not see the obvious double standard when one party gets life and the other party gets literally no punishment of any kind.

Upholding standards is important, otherwise the people will detect a double standard, lose trust in the institutions, and end up electing a guy like trump in the first place.

Not only is it "extra-special" bad, but when the feds requested the documents back, Trump obstructed numerous times, including by instructing his own lawyers to lie to the feds about the existence of said documents.

So if they were so out to get him, why did they give him so many opportunities to return the documents?

Everything you post is willfullly obtuse, intellectually backrupt nonsense.

Ooloo 06-10-2023 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by TheBardo (Post 3617276)
Not only is it "extra-special" bad, but when the feds requested the documents back, Trump obstructed numerous times, including by instructing his own lawyers to lie to the feds about the existence of said documents.

So if they were so out to get him, why did they give him so many opportunities to return the documents?

Everything you post is willfullly obtuse, intellectually backrupt nonsense.

Yes, as I said, what he did is extra-special bad. I agree.

I'm just wondering why biden gets *nothing*. What exactly is the standard of justice here? You're allowed to take classified documents (which trump arguably was since he was president at the time, and biden wasn't since he was only VP), but then if the national archive wants them back and you don't give them up *thats* the crime? Why isn't it illegal to take them in the first place?

Again, my gripe is with the clear double standard. I'm not saying trump did nothing wrong- I'm saying Biden and hillary both did much sloppier things with classified docs and there was absolutely no consequence. Thanks for the needless insults though buddy.

TheBardo 06-10-2023 04:17 PM

proving criminal intent is a key part of the case.

Unfortunately for Trump, he admited in an interview that he knew the docs were classified, and as I said, instructed his lawyers to lie about their existence, and obstructed the return of the documents in multiple other ways.

In the cases of Biden and Pence, they constented to searches and returned all the documents without obstructing.

Ooloo 06-10-2023 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by TheBardo (Post 3617279)
proving criminal intent is a key part of the case.

Unfortunately for Trump, he admited in an interview that he knew the docs were classified, and as I said, instructed his lawyers to lie about their existence, and obstructed the return of the documents in multiple other ways.

In the cases of Biden and Pence, they constented to searches and returned all the documents without obstructing.

So if I rob a jewelry store, but then I totes give the stuff back, it's all good that I did it in the first place?

This isn't justice, these aren't serious people, it's just lawyers doing what they do best. It's obviously politically motivated.

The dems shriek about "threats to democracy" while they're grasping at every possible straw to keep a guy off the ballot entirely who roughly half the country wants to elect. Excuse me if I don't buy a single thing they say when it comes to integrity, standards or morality.

I don't even like trump, I would much rather vote for a sane moderate democrat.

TheBardo 06-10-2023 04:22 PM

This entire situation is of Trump's own making. Theres no room for deep state conspiracy here. Its staggering how dumb the guy is.

TheBardo 06-10-2023 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Ooloo (Post 3617280)
So if I rob a jewelry store, but then I totes give the stuff back, it's all good that I did it in the first place?

Elements of Robbery
The crime of robbery involves (1) the taking of the property of another (2) from his or her person or in their presence (3) by violence, intimidation or threat (4) with the intent to deprive them of it permanently...

When you robbed the store, you intended to deprive the store of their goods perminently. That you changed your mind later might be a mitigating element in sentencing, but it doesn't change your original intent.

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