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unsunghero 07-26-2023 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Toxigen (Post 3628841)
Why are you breaking charm at a full bubble?

I don't play anymore but I'd be happy to do some coaching if you're open to it. Just stream on discord (I have a server we can use) and I can give you pointers.

Just happens sometimes when there’s nothing left to throw it against. This is including spamming pet sit on the last few mobs to try to get it as low as possible

When there’s nothing else around, you have 2 options. Blur it back up and re-use or find a way to finish it. Usually I only play solo for 20-45 min chunks at a time, so I often want to just finish it and log off

Hell, I’ve had to finish mobs manually from 2 bubbles of health before because there was nothing else left for them to attack. Those situations I do a combination of nukes and root rotting with our shitty dot

Toxigen 07-26-2023 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by unsunghero (Post 3628856)
Just happens sometimes when there’s nothing left to throw it against. This is including spamming pet sit on the last few mobs to try to get it as low as possible

When there’s nothing else around, you have 2 options. Blur it back up and re-use or find a way to finish it. Usually I only play solo for 20-45 min chunks at a time, so I often want to just finish it and log off

Hell, I’ve had to finish mobs manually from 2 bubbles of health before because there was nothing else left for them to attack. Those situations I do a combination of nukes and root rotting with our shitty dot

yuck lol

Crede 07-26-2023 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by unsunghero (Post 3628856)
Just happens sometimes when there’s nothing left to throw it against. This is including spamming pet sit on the last few mobs to try to get it as low as possible

When there’s nothing else around, you have 2 options. Blur it back up and re-use or find a way to finish it. Usually I only play solo for 20-45 min chunks at a time, so I often want to just finish it and log off

Hell, I’ve had to finish mobs manually from 2 bubbles of health before because there was nothing else left for them to attack. Those situations I do a combination of nukes and root rotting with our shitty dot

Go to HS west. You won’t run out of mobs.

unsunghero 07-26-2023 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Crede (Post 3628906)
Go to HS west. You won’t run out of mobs.

Maybe one day after I get a raider skullcap for the evac and bedlam

I’m also not keen on doing weird shit with stalker probes to exploit through locked doors. I figure if the door was locked, the game didn’t intend for me to go there ;)

Not sure if west side of that is like that, but I hear some parts are. Also, I think it’s super cheesy to have mobs attacking me before my shitbox of a computer even loads the zone like HS does. Some of my few deaths was my computer processor decided to take a shit loading some background process and freezing my screen when I have a charmed pet standing next to me…

Alarria 07-26-2023 04:47 PM

You could do fine in North pre-Bedlam. Get a key from basement from one of the necros soloing there and work your way in. Safespot once you're past the paining, and you can easily get to 60 there. If you want though, the boss there drops the West key if you don't wanna glitch through the door. Cap isn't necessary if you play careful!

unsunghero 07-26-2023 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Alarria (Post 3628915)
You could do fine in North pre-Bedlam. Get a key from basement from one of the necros soloing there and work your way in. Safespot once you're past the paining, and you can easily get to 60 there. If you want though, the boss there drops the West key if you don't wanna glitch through the door. Cap isn't necessary if you play careful!

I actually have the key to HS, nice guild leader helped me get it a year ago before I quit. Helped me as in I didn’t know what it was and didn’t want it, but had it offered anyway so I took it

So I can zone in, get the shit beat out me for a few seconds by 2 mobs, kill those, then levitate down to a safe ledge in basement, correct?

Sadly yea I might actually be more likely to try that out than even chardok. But definitely with a raider skullcap

enjchanter 07-26-2023 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by unsunghero (Post 3628454)
I love fighting against casters (wandering mind + ToT), but I haaattttee having to use them as pets. It’s bad enough I have to interrupt every single enemy mob cast to prevent them from dotting my charmed pet, making it to where I can’t mez it on a charm break

But I cannot at all prevent my pet from dotting up the target it’s killing. And root just doesn’t cut the mustard as control for charm breaks. Because this means that one OR BOTH of the mobs can now free cast on me. I’m having to focus my attention on re-gaining control of my previous charmed pet, which is now casting at me. I cannot interrupt the other rooted mob also casting on me

And one single disease and poison dot from a blue con enemy shaman and I’m basically dead. No way to absorb those with runes…

I can’t easily micro in a cancel magic to remove dots from the enemy mob on a charm break, there’s too much other stuff to do. But I’m considering it, because it’s either that or just trying to out-range the casts. But the game loves to give enemy mobs extra cushion, if I’m close enough to land root on it, it will for sure be able to stick at least 1 spell on me before I outrange it

I will go way out of my way to locate a warrior or wizard mob to charm, but sometimes it’s just unavoidable, you have to pick the annoying as shit dotting classes :(

Just tell it to sit while it's casting bro

Toxigen 07-27-2023 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by unsunghero (Post 3628922)
I actually have the key to HS, nice guild leader helped me get it a year ago before I quit. Helped me as in I didn’t know what it was and didn’t want it, but had it offered anyway so I took it

So I can zone in, get the shit beat out me for a few seconds by 2 mobs, kill those, then levitate down to a safe ledge in basement, correct?

Sadly yea I might actually be more likely to try that out than even chardok. But definitely with a raider skullcap

If you're worried about HS I solo'd there for a long time with no WC cap at all. Lots of people have pocket clerics parked in the basement safe spot. North ramp also has a safe spot and is a great spot to learn the basics.

You won't need torches or hasted pets either. The damage is coming from other mobs (lots of harmtouches).

Bind on the cliff above Charasis Pit in OT, try to get double invis for the zone-in, get the mobs under control at zone in if you're seen, use your camera to see down into basement and levi down to the mound of poop. Now you're in basement safe spot and ready to get a north key off a sperm.

My offer stands if you want to pop on my discord and stream. I can kinda guide you on getting to the north ramp as safely as possible. PM me if interested.

Videri 07-27-2023 08:06 AM

OP, did you know that if you charm a mob, any dots and debuffs it has cast on you will come off? Unless they’ve changed that recently.

Jimjam 07-27-2023 09:24 AM

Could you break charm when you only have 2 mobs left and use the other mob to kill the former pet, loot the twinkage and just log out leaving the one mob remaining?

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