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Trexller 07-01-2023 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Origen (Post 3622323)
I have two cats and one wife

well, you say that...

Raj 07-01-2023 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Trexller (Post 3621949)

dudes owning cats as house pets are like the ultimate beta male advertisement

I was recently sent to collect water samples from a customer who requested it, insisting his water had a slight yellow tint and a weird smell. He was right, the water was tainted, and it was his own fault, not the water utility.

This was a ~40 year old man who owned his house with a city water connection, AND he was still pumping water from his well. Home was a total mess of new pipes and old pipes, cast iron, copper and PEX. you'd need a cryptographer to figure out whatever some idiotic joe-shmoe contractor did. The well-water filters were dark brown, this guy said he didn't know he needed to change them, or even how to do it. So Pathetic. And he had to make money, because his property woulda been like ~350k and vehicle was a pretty nice late model volvo.

he was convinced that city water is tainted and only used that water to wash clothes, dishes, toilets, lawn watering etc. He had his house plumbed so that he would drink and bathe from his in-ground well, which must have got some kind of chemical or runoff taint in it from the recent heavy rains we've had. this dumbass thought that the city water was polluting his "clean" well water.

he found some moron contractor who would run the water lines like that, which is illegal. In some places, his own well water was backfeeding the city water lines. City water is overpressured, so it doesn't flow backward, but we all know how diffusion works.

This total beta-cuck queer-mustache homeowner was a ~40 year old man, who said he owned 18 fucking cats. I didn't count them all but I was able to smell the cat piss immediately upon entry. It's a damn shame, because the house was reasonably nice, and well kept aside from the cat piss smell.

IMO there is absolutely no excuse for an adult male to not understand literally every facet of home ownership and furthermore, vehicle maintenance. If you lack any of these, you simply are not a man. and a poor excuse for an adult human being.

I immediately reported his illegal water lines and dude will get fined if he doesn't pay out of his own pocket for a legit plumber to basically re-plumb his entire house.

Then Mr. Effeminate has to pay for a city inspector to review the new work.

this guy was so clueless as to even the basics of water management, and broke building code laws.

Men like this, have absolutely no defense to their existence, and the human race has no need for them.

Cool and normal post here folks, right?! :cool:

Haha...this guy sounds like a future mass shooter... :p

Trexller 07-02-2023 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Raj (Post 3622518)
Cool and normal post here folks, right?! :cool:

Haha...this guy sounds like a future mass shooter... :p

never understood the mass shooter types

so you got a problem and you feel bad about it?

and your chosen recourse is to just start blasting, Frank Reynolds style?

also, if you don't wanna get fined out the ass for building code violations

then i suggest you don't backfeed your home's city water lines with well water lines and then invite a water utility representative to come look at it and collect samples.

this is something that middle aged gay dudes who own 18 cats do.

don't be like them.

Origen 07-02-2023 08:15 AM

Lmao sorry your life is so fuckin' sad Trexller

Ooloo 07-02-2023 01:51 PM

i was having sex with a girl once and her cat jumped up on the bed and stepped on my balls lol

arvidez 07-02-2023 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Origen (Post 3622542)
Lmao sorry your life is so fuckin' sad Trexller

is this God channeling through you or...?

Trexller 07-02-2023 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Origen (Post 3622542)
Lmao sorry your life is so fuckin' sad Trexller

no thanks, i don't want an apple pie or 6 piece nugget with my combo.

unsunghero 07-03-2023 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Trexller (Post 3622520)
never understood the mass shooter types

so you got a problem and you feel bad about it?

and your chosen recourse is to just start blasting, Frank Reynolds style?

also, if you don't wanna get fined out the ass for building code violations

then i suggest you don't backfeed your home's city water lines with well water lines and then invite a water utility representative to come look at it and collect samples.

this is something that middle aged gay dudes who own 18 cats do.

don't be like them.

One time in my job we got called to an empty apartment with a 60+ yr old dude living in it. He had big time dementia. Walking around disoriented in a daze most of the time. He had no shoes on, and since he walked around like that outside as well, his feet were cut up to shit

Inside his empty apartment was like 25+ cats. There were so many cats and he never cleaned so the entire floor had a layer of cat piss and shit. And he walked through it on his cut up feet. We couldn’t enter the apartment because we thought the fumes would kill us

I remember thinking HTF is this guy still alive, and how was he allowed to get this bad? I guess when you have advanced dementia and no family

It was a nightmare, adult protective services report and a half, and a call to the humane society/animal control to round up all the cats (they came right out, surprisingly)

Origen 07-03-2023 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by arvidez (Post 3622608)
is this God channeling through you or...?

No, it's operant conditioning, I don't have a direct relationship with God any more than most people do with quantum foam

Look at the depths that piece of shit sinks to when you see through his bullshit, tell me he doesn't need tough love

arvidez 07-05-2023 01:39 PM

so you are mad and he deserves it. do you deserve to be mad?

ok, i will watch him, but only up close. if i watch him from far away i might look sus.

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