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Jibartik 11-20-2020 01:02 AM

Im about finished with a frontline hour long episode about economic trade with china and it's about how 100% of the things trump did are wrong and 100% of the things Obama did were right.

Muchew 11-20-2020 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by douglas1999 (Post 3215087)
And I do not have a problem wearing a mask at all, what I have a problem with are these draconian lockdowns destroying economies. It makes much more sense to simply protect and quarantine the vulnerable (the elderly and people with severe diabetes or heart conditions) and allow the healthy and young to go about their lives as normal. This would mitigate the economic impact while protecting the vulnerable. And, once again, even the vulnerable overwhelmingly survive the infection. It's like 94% for people over 80 now, with the therapies we've developed since it began in Februrary.

I think you're a bit misinformed about how this impacts young people. I'm 32 and previously would run half marathons, rock climb, and play ice hockey. I've been sick for 8 months and have had several moments where I wasn't sure if I would wake up the next morning. I can't walk to the end of the block and back without feeling like my heart is going to explode. While most young people don't die, the vast majority are not "recovered" and need serious medical support.

Jibartik 11-20-2020 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Muchew (Post 3215099)
I think you're a bit misinformed about how this impacts young people. I'm 32 and previously would run half marathons, rock climb, and play ice hockey. I've been sick for 8 months and have had several moments where I wasn't sure if I would wake up the next morning. I can't walk to the end of the block and back without feeling like my heart is going to explode. While most young people don't die, the vast majority are not "recovered" and need serious medical support.

can u smoke marajuana tho :(

FatherSioux 11-20-2020 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Jibartik (Post 3214980)
It means in 5 years people stop having baby's.

The goal of some on the left.

douglas1999 11-20-2020 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Muchew (Post 3215099)
I think you're a bit misinformed about how this impacts young people. I'm 32 and previously would run half marathons, rock climb, and play ice hockey. I've been sick for 8 months and have had several moments where I wasn't sure if I would wake up the next morning. I can't walk to the end of the block and back without feeling like my heart is going to explode. While most young people don't die, the vast majority are not "recovered" and need serious medical support.

I'm sorry to hear that, really. If that is infact a result of having had covid, it's definitely relevant data. I have heard a handful of reports about residual effects, but they don't seem very widespread. The vast majority of young people do not seem to have any residual effects. Many young people have likely already been infected, and recovered, and don't even know they ever had it. Where I live, you can only get tested if you're exhibiting symptoms, so there will inevitably be a pool of people who are infected and literally can't get tested even if they wanted to. I don't doubt that it's possible, but again, it's a cost-benefit analysis. Does this justify the current lockdowns, and the economic and social costs that result? I wish people were talking about that more, but it's just so hopelessly politicized in both directions now. The left thinks it's the plague, and the right thinks it's completely benign.

FatherSioux 11-20-2020 01:43 AM

Recently I've come to the realization that what the anti-religion crowd is doing is simply replacing who they worship. They worship Science, they believe rationality is the ultimate state of being. They want to process information the same way an FSM would, this is a foolish tactic. They love to point out the foolishness of Biblical stories, as if the Bible is a simple childrens book. Meanwhile they simply forget that "Science" brought us lobotomies, blood letting and prescribing people cocaine. Science makes mistakes and improves on them, but it is to be certain that most things we are doing today will probably be seen as barbaric in time.

I was one of these people for a long time, I think I have this inherent trait where I need to combat what I'm being told regardless of merit. Being raised Catholic it's no wonder I resisted that as a young buck. These days I'm not trying to reconnect with the religion and peel back the onion of Bible stories. I don't care who you are or what world view you have, The Bible has a very tangible and beneficial lessons to be taught. If you want to view them as Fairy Tales, I think that's quite alright, but you should know that just like Fairy Tales these stories are ripe with value. Dig deep kids. I suggest you start with Adam and Eve, that story is amazing. Adam is a whiny bitch and blames Eve for getting tricked by the damn devil, as if that isn't a completely likely outcome.

Anyways, I passed my drug test(wasn't that scared but I did have an edible three weeks prior to the test) now I'm nervous that there would be some strange circumstance where I would have to retest and so I think I'll wait to have some edibles. I've missed them.

PS: Locked down in MN again...ugh

imperiouskitten 11-20-2020 01:45 AM

I frickin WISH that we had nanomachines we could put in vaccines.

imperiouskitten 11-20-2020 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by FatherSioux (Post 3215115)
PS: Locked down in MN again...ugh

shouldnt have let all those somalis in, my democracy man

Muchew 11-20-2020 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by douglas1999 (Post 3215111)
I'm sorry to hear that, really. If that is in fact a result of having had covid, it's definitely relevant data. I have heard a handful of reports about residual effects, but they don't seem very widespread. The vast majority of young people do not seem to have any residual effects. Many young people have likely already been infected, and recovered, and don't even know they ever had it. Where I live, you can only get tested if you're exhibiting symptoms, so there will inevitably be a pool of people who are infected and literally can't get tested even if they wanted to. I don't doubt that it's possible, but again, it's a cost-benefit analysis. Does this justify the current lockdowns, and the economic and social costs that result? I wish people were talking about that more, but it's just so hopelessly politicized in both directions now. The left thinks it's the plague, and the right thinks it's completely benign.

Again, I think it is more widespread than you realize. I don't think anyone knows for sure what the numbers are, but there is a study from Italy following up on covid patients at 2 months post onset and only 13% of them were recovered. I've seen numbers anywhere between 10 and 90% are dealing with lingering symptoms.

What I do know, is I belong to a support group of Covid "Long Haulers" that has over 15,000 members. Most of them are age 30-50. And this is just 1 of many support groups. These people are not getting better. The latest research suggests it is likely the virus persists in certain areas of the body; the immune system isn't able to clear it completely.

But yeah, I agree it's a difficult situation. I would be more concerned about the economy though if we didn't waste trillions on trying to police the world. When that money could be spent on, I don't know, giving a universal income while we restrict businesses during a pandemic to benefit public health.

Trexller 11-20-2020 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by imperiouskitten (Post 3215117)
shouldnt have let all those somalis in, my democracy man


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